Census takers will start going door-to-door on May 1

The Census Bureau is getting ready to hit the streets.  This is in an effort to make sure that every one is counted and that Central Illinois preserves its "voice" in government.

Most residents who sent back their forms will not get a visit from a census taker.  However, it could happen for a variety of reasons including the following:

- They did not completely fill out their form or the response was unclear.
- They mailed their form back and the form did not get processed before assignments for the door-to-door operation were handed out.
- They filled out a Be Counted form and it could not be matched with an address in the Master Address File.

The Census taker will ONLY ask and record the questions on the Census form.   They will make up to three visits and up to three phone calls in an attempt to reach the home owner.  The census worker will leave a double-sided (English and Spanish) NOTICE of VISIT in the doorway that includes a phone number for the resident to schedule an appointment.

More info on the Census taker and the 2010 Census can be found online at the Census website.


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