
Showing posts from May, 2011

Welcome New Member: Spirit of the Past Antiques

Spirit of the Past Antiques., 215 North 5th Street, Pekin IL 61554; phone: 309-336-1660; email: ; website: ; Dan and Debi Bruns, Owners; Business hours: Hours in June are Tuesday - Saturday 10:00am-5:00pm, In July hours will be Tuesday - Saturday 10am-7pm and Sunday 12pm-5pm. Spirit of the Past Antiques is an antique mall. It features antique and vintage items from a wide variety of dealers. Their motto is Antiques, Artisans, and Amazing Things. Spirit of the Past especially encourages new dealers as well as experienced antique vendors by offering rental spaces as small as a single shelf! In the near future, they will also offer professional Ancestral Research services. Every month, they hold a silent action with proceeds donated to The Tazewell Museum and Educational Center. Spirit of the Pasts Grand Opening Weekend is July 1 - 3. There will be soft drinks, snacks, and some neat surprises for visitors to the store. Look

Tech Show 'n Tell

Several chamber members got together on May 12 th at the Avanti’s Dome for free coffee and “show and tell.”   This was the third month for this informal gathering.   Some of the participants were there to listen, while others shared and demonstrated new technologies, apps, or software they use to work more efficiently.   This month we learned about and discussed a file management app for Android mobile devices; working with video files on a variety of devices; Google’s new laptop lease program and their Google Music beta service; the world’s smallest computer; two restaurant apps ideal for business lunches, which allow you to save time with reservations and paying your tab; LinkedIn; and we had a successful video phone call! The next Tech Show ‘n Tell will be Thursday, June 9 th at 7:30 am the Avanti’s Dome.   Join us and share - It’s FREE!

Membership Renewals

Adams Outdoor Advertising ~ Advance Medical Transport American Cancer Society/Relay for Life ~ Best Western Ashland House Bremer Jewelry ~ Bridgeway ~ CDS Office Technologies Debbie Fornoff Interior Designs & Draperies ~ Farden Pest Control Laserpro of Peoria ~ Let It Shine ~ Pekin Prescription Laboratory Steve Saal ~ Seico Security Systems ~ St. Jude Midwest Affiliate Development/Run Tazewell County Historic Places & Tazewell County Museum The Mattress Doctor -   Eric White

Biz Barometer

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) increased 0.4 percent in April on a seasonally adjusted basis.   Over the last 12 months, the all items index increased 3.2 percent before seasonal adjustment. Non-farm payroll employment rose by 244,000 in April, and the unemployment rate edged up to 9.0 percent, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported.   Job gains occurred in several service-providing industries, manufacturing, and mining. The Illinois and Peoria area unemployment rates both dropped to 9.1% in March according to the Illinois Department of Employment Security.   The Tazewell County unemployment rate fell to 8.9%, while Pekin’s rate dropped to 10.2%.   The number of people employed in Pekin is nearly 800 more than in March of 2010. The Illinois Department of Revenue reports sales tax disbursements to the City of Pekin were down 3.2% in May, compared to May of 2010.  May payments generally represent the

Chamber Calendar of Events

June 1 Executive Board Meeting June 2 Business After Hours June 7 Ambassador Meeting June 8 Transportation Committee June 8 Board of Directors Meeting June 9 Tech Show ‘n Tell June 10 Puttin on Pekin Breakfast June 14 Member Services Committee June 14 Breakfast 2.0 June 15 Marigold Festival Committee Meeting June 28 Business Advocacy Committee

Straight A’s = FREE Peoria Chiefs Game

The Peoria Chiefs will honor local students for excellence in the classroom by providing free tickets to the Chiefs game on Wednesday, June 8, 2011. To be eligible, students in grades 1-3 that have perfect attendance in the last grading period and students in grades 4-12 that have "A’s " in all subjects in the last grading period of the school year. Students will receive two (2) free Club Box tickets to the game by presenting a copy of their final report card at the O’Brien Field box office prior to the game. Friends and family can purchase additional tickets for $6.00 ($10.00 value) to the same game. Wednesday, June 8th is a 7:00 p.m. contest against the West Michigan Whitecaps (Detroit Tigers).  For more upcoming events visit

Abraham Lincoln in Pekin Walk

Tazewell County Genealogical & Historical Society along with Pekin Main Street presents its 2nd Annual 'Abraham Lincoln in Pekin' Walk on Sunday, June 5th from 2:00 to 4:30 p.m. along Capitol St at Court Street in Pekin. Tickets are available at the TCGHS library or at the event. Come listen to the people who knew and dealt with Lincoln when he came to Pekin. Free cookies and lemonade will be served. In the event of rain, we will move inside the Speakeasy Art Center on Court Street. For more information phone 477-3044 or visit the TCGHS library at 719 N 11th St., Pekin. You may also visit our website or drop an e-mail to .

CEFCU Reports Record Achievements in 2010

At CEFCU’s recent Annual Meeting, the Credit Union reported record achievements for 2010.  At the end of the year, Assets were over $4.4 billion, which is an increase of over 5% compared to 2009.  Savings deposits also increased over 5% from last year, and loans outstanding grew 1%. At the Annual Meeting, Robert Metzinger, 2010 Chairman of the Board of Directors , stated, “… the continued support of members like you, along with the commitment to provide quality member service from your volunteer Board and professional Staff, resulted in solid growth for your Credit Union. ” Todd Bryant and Matthew Jolliff were named as Associate Board Members, and CEFCU members re-elected Patricia Hampton, Richard Hermann, David Koehler, and Robert Metzinger to the Board of Directors. Credit Union Officers, Directors, Supervisory Committee members, and Associate Board members for 2011 will be:  Bruce G. Dimler – Chairman, Patricia J. Hampton – Vice Chairman, Thea M. Robinson – Vice Chairman

Women's Fund First Tuesday Event

The next First Tuesdays will be held on Tuesday, June 7, from 5 to 7 pm at Crittenton Center, 442 West John Gwynn Jr. Ave, Peoria, IL 61605.  The Women’s Fund of the Community Foundation of Central Illinois invites area women to a monthly networking opportunity for Peoria-area women. Celebrate Spring and the spirit of giving by meeting other dynamic women who are passionate about empowering the women and children in our communities.  Become part of a national movement towards Women’s Philanthropy.  To automatically receive First Tuesdays’ invitations, call The Women's Fund at the Community Foundation of Central Illinois at 309 674-8730 or email and ask to receive the ‘E-vite’, an online invitation, for First Tuesdays. Appetizers and beverages will be served and door prizes awarded. Donations will be accepted to further the work of the Women’s Fund.

This Week With the Chamber

Read what is happening this week with the Pekin Area Chamber of Commerce by clicking here:

Papa Murphy's Pizza - American Red Cross Fundraiser

There will be a fundraiser for the American Red Cross on Thursday, June 9 th from 11am to 9pm for our neighbors that were hit by the recent tornadoes. Papa Murphy's Pizza will donate 15% of all REGULAR priced food purchases made on June 9 to the American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund . Help us "Raise Some Dough" for the Communities hit by recent tornadoes. Participating stores are: Bloomington , Danville , Decatur, Mattoon , Morton, Normal, Pekin, Peoria, Springfield. Go to for store locations.

Tazewell County 4-H Show & Junior Fair

The Tazewell County 4-H Show and Junior Fair will be held on July 18-21st.  The Veterans Memorial Fair Association is seeking sponsors.   As an official sponsor of the Tazewell County Fair, you are supporting 4-H members and the youth of Tazewell County. The 4-H Show and Junior Fair, requires the volunteer help and support of many people and businesses. It is a joint effort of: Veterans Memorial Fair Association which owns the buildings,   University of Illinois Extension Tazewell County which provides assistance to 4-H Clubs and planning for the fair, Pekin Park District who maintains the buildings and uses them during the year, and Hundreds of volunteer leaders, parents and other supporters of 4-H and Extension. If you would like to be a “Sponsor” of the Fair, please indicate your level of support and return it with your check to:   Veterans Memorial Fair Association, c/o U of I Extension Tazewell County, 1505 Valle Vista, Pekin 61554. Exhibit space in the Veterans Memorial Are

Speakeasy News

Plan a stop to visit us and take in Speakeasy's latest exhibit! Speakeasy's Current Exhibit: Group Photography Exhibit of local artists. Speakeasy has seven different artists displaying their unique view of the world. Additionally, we have an exhibit of high school students photography work. This exhibit will be showing until June 3rd. Speakeasy supports our fellow artist friends and their families. Please plan to join artist, Amy Boettcher, her husband, and family as they fight ALS! < > The Help Tracy Boettcher Kick ALS event will be held at Luthy Botanical Garden on Sunday from 2 to 5 pm. The event will include a silent auction, games, food, refreshments, live music by Tracy and Amy's son, Nick Boettcher, and much more. Tickets are $20 per person and can be purchased in advance at Luthy Botanical Garden, Moon Dancer or at the door the day of the event. For more information, call 309-692-2880 or visit htt

Memorial Day Scramble

Play at Sunset Golf Course for Memorial Day! Golf: Friday: 6:00 Jack and Jill Saturday: Call for tee time! Sunday: 1:00 Memorial Day Scramble Monday: After 12 Veterans Special $20 golf and cart Mashies: Friday: Fish 'n Chips Special Saturday: Prime Rib Special Monday: Red-White-Blue Special $6, Classic Burger and Chips Call Pro Shop for sign up and details 347-7553

Kiwanis Club of Pekin Holds Pancake and Sausage Breakfast

On Saturday, June 18th, the Kiwanis Club of Pekin will be hosting a Pancake and Sausage Breakfast at the Pekin Municipal Airport between 8:00-11:00 a.m. in conjunction with the Wings and Wheels Fly-In and Cruise-In. Tickets are just $5. Jumer's Cinnamon Rolls will be available! The airport is located on 13906 Airport Lane, off Rt. 29.

2011 Marigold Mini Medallions

The cost is $5.00 each. PCHS Art students earned a Grant to produce this years' marigold medallion and mini medallions. The 2011 Pepsi Marigold design was created by senior Glassworks student Doug Bopp. His design is a multi-layered fused glass disk including a painted image of Everett Dirksen with a variety of marigolds. The Mini-medallions were created by the Sculpture students using a glass casting process. Each mini medallion is a unique work of art inspired by the winning medallion design. Both grant projects were made possible through the grant provided by the Tazewell County Regional Office of Education. The sale of these medallions will make it possible for future PCHS Art students to learn contemporary art techniques while developing pride within their community. Thank you for your support of the arts in our community.

Welcome New Member: Classical Dance Academy

Classical Dance Academy., 359 Court Street, Pekin IL 61554; phone: (309) 643-5464; email: ; website: ; Liz Curtin, Owner; Business Hours: Monday-Thursday 4pm-9pm, Friday 4pm-6pm, Saturday 9:30am-1:45pm. The Classical Dance Academy offers Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Ballroom, Pilates, and a Dance Studio. It also offers Jazzercise and Zumba classes. All ages are welcome. Private lessons are available.

2011 Music in the Vineyard & Festival Schedule

June 4: West McQueen Band June 11: Jammsammich June 18: The Shake June 25: Loose Shoes $5pp band cover Saturdays, bands start at 7pm. Fridays "Unwind with Wine" until 9pm. Bring your own food, lawn chairs or blankets for lawn seating. Call to reserve deck seating. NO OUTSIDE BEVERAGES. Alcoholic or non-alcoholic.  Wine, beer, soda, and water are served. 

Pekin Hosts Regional Speed Networking

It was a small turnout but the participants made some great contacts at the May 20th Speed Networking event held at the Pekin Holiday Inn Express.  The chambers of commerce in Tazewell County (East Peoria, Morton, Pekin and Washington) take turns hosting the quarterly networking event.  Participants sit across a table from each other and have 90 seconds to talk about themselves.  Then they listen to their partner's 90 second introduction.  Then everyone gets up and moves to a new seat and the introductions start over.  It is a great opportunity to meet a large number of people in a short amount of time.  The Washington Chamber of Commerce will host the next speed networking event in August.

PTS Moves To New Location

Professional Therapy Services recently completed their move to a new Pekin office. They are now located in Sunset Plaza at 2988 Court Street, next to Jim Maloof Realtor. Representatives from the Pekin Area Chamber of Commerce and the City of Pekin recently gathered for a ribbon cutting to welcome them to their new location. The ribbon was cut by Mike Riley, President of PTS and Tracy Reimer, Pekin Clinic Manager. Assisting them were Pekin Mayor Laurie Barra and Chamber President Skip Schermerhorn. Professional Therapy Services offers a wide-array of programs, including physical therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, and occupational health and rehabilitation programs. The Pekin clinic can be reached at 353-5940

The CFCI Appoints Four New Members to its Board of Directors

The Community Foundation of Central Illinois (CFCI) announces the appointment of G. Michael Marvel, Donna Marcacci, Ray Busam, and Dr. Maxine Wortham to its Board of Directors.   Mark Roberts, CFCI’s CEO, stated “the Community Foundation of Central Illinois’ Board of Directors benefits greatly from the diverse experience and knowledge of its members.  We are delighted that Michael, Donna, Ray and Maxine are joining us, and know that they will contribute to CFCI’s future success based on their leadership experience and commitment to the greater Peoria area.”   G. Michael Marvel is the Sr. Business Resource Manager for Global Accounting & SEC Reporting at Caterpillar Inc.  Prior to joining Caterpillar Inc. in 2006, Mr. Marvel worked for Eli Lilly and Company in a variety of financial positions for approximately 10 years and also worked as an auditor with Coopers & Lybrand for over 10 years.  At Caterpillar, he has held several different positions in the accounting organi

This Week With the Chamber

Check out the upcoming events  with the Pekin Area Chamber of Commerce by clicking here:

YWCA Award Winners

The YWCA of Pekin congratulates the award winners from the 30th Annual Women’s Recognition Day Event. Receiving awards at the event held Thursday, May 12th at the Pekin Country Club were: Susan McCabe, Arts; Deborah Simon, Business; Lisa Wilson, Professions; Marggie Seelye, Community Service; Sharon Adams, Outstanding Employee; and Cathie Harkleroad, Sports. The Mission Award, given by the YWCA Board of Directors to an individual, business or organization who has exemplified the YWCA mission, was presented to Rusty Dunn.

South Side Trust & Savings Bank Opens

The Pekin Area Chamber of Commerce held a ribbon cutting ceremony to welcome South Side Trust & Savings Bank to Pekin.  The new facility is located at 3200 Veterans Drive.  Pekin Mayor Laurie Barra assisted South Side Pekin Facility Manager Chip Hill with the ribbon cutting.  Prior to the ribbon cutting, Hill, Barra and Dave Cochran, President & CEO of South Side Trust and Savings Bank all made comments.  The full-service branch offers a complete line of financial products and services, including checking and savings accounts, CDs, money markets, personal and business lending, and much more.  The branch houses 315 safe deposit boxes and presents a complete range of Brokerage and Trust Services.  It features three drive-up teller lanes, two of which are equipped with two-way television monitors, as well as a drive-up ATM on the property.  The Pekin Branch is open Monday through Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Friday 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., and Saturday 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 

Pekin Main Street Presents “Pekin’s Got Talent” Competition

This summer, Pekin Main Street is presenting a county wide talent competition that will determine who has the most talent! Modeled after the popular TV show, American’s Got Talent, this competition will have three phases. First, there will be an open audition for all interested parties on Wednesday, June 8, 2011 from 6-8 at the Pekin Public Library. From this audition, the field will be narrowed down to the top 20 acts and those acts will perform live at Pekin Main Street’s Annual Cruise In on Saturday, July 30th in downtown Pekin. The field will then be narrowed down to the top 10 acts and those top 10 acts will compete at Friday Night Family Fest to kick off Marigold Festival Weekend on September 9, 2011 for cash prizes and winner of Pekin’s Got Talent. Prize sponsor is Herget Bank. The talent competition is open to all ages and all residents of Tazewell County. Rules and regulations for the competition can be found on the application packet. Application packets are available at

Welcome New Member: 14th Street Hardware

14th Street Hardware., 1315 Derby Street, Pekin IL 61554; phone: 309-642-6914; Kriss Brown, President; Business hours: 8am-6pm MTWTF, 8am-5pm Sat. Full service hardware store, glass cutting, pipe cut and threading, key cutting, paint mixing, plumbing, electrical, hardware, lawn and garden, tools, cleaning aids, paint and accessories.

Welcome New Member: Fred Lawrence and Sons Fire Equipment

Fred Lawrence and Sons Fire Equipment., 206 Derby Street, Pekin IL 61554; phone: 309-620-1301; fax: 309-642-6646; email: ; Fred Lawrence, Owner; Business hours: 8am-5pm. Fire Service/ Safety Service: fire extinguishers, fire suppression systems (restaurant), first aid, emergency lightning, testing maintenance.

Pekin Life Insurance Company Holds Annual Meeting

Pekin Life Insurance Company held its annual meeting on Tuesday, May 10, 2011, at the Company’s Home Office in Pekin, Illinois. The Company reported net income of $4.2 million. Premium income increased by less than one percent to $245.8 million. Life Insurance in force exceeded $12.5 billion in the year 2010. At the meeting, shareholders elected directors Steven R. Anderson, Loves Park, Illinois; Byron A. Dodd, Anna, Illinois; and Gordon M. Walker, Groveland, Illinois, to three year terms to expire in May 2014. Other directors whose terms continue are: Craig W. Concklin, Hinsdale, Illinois; Scott A. Martin, Peoria, Illinois; and Daniel V. Connell, Thomas C. Hornstein, A. Richard Kriegsman, and Christine A. Schwartz, all of Pekin, Illinois. On April 20, 2011, Pekin Life Insurance Company declared a quarterly dividend of $0.04 per share payable June 1, 2011, to shareholders of record May 2, 2011. The Company has paid dividends each year since Jun

Welcome New Member: Mackinaw Valley Vineyard

Mackinaw Valley Vineyard., 33633 IL Rt 9, Mackinaw IL 61755; phone: 309-359-9463; fax: 309-359-3480; email: ; website: ; Paul Hahn, Owner; Diane Hahn, Owner; Business hours: Varies depending on season- see the website. What started as a dream in the spring of 1997 has developed into a perfect getaway from the hustle and bustle of today's hectic world. Mackinaw Valley Vineyard hosts a winery, tasting room and gift shop. They have a large selection of award-winning wines. There's live music on most Friday and Saturday nights June through September, special events throughout the year, and their event coordinator can help you make weddings, anniversaries, receptions and company parties a memorable event. Located just 10 miles east of I-155 at Tremont on Illinois Route 9.

Community Foundation of Central Illinois Holds Annual Meeting

The Community Foundation of Central Illinois (CFCI) held its 23 rd Annual Meeting, A Year in Review today, May 10 at The Hotel Pere Marquette, Cotillion Ball Room from 11:30 am-1:15 pm.  In attendance were community members, CFCI fund holders, and grantees.  Attendees were treated to lunch and a program that highlighted the accomplishments of the Community Foundation in 2010.  CFCI CEO Mark Roberts shared that over $5.1 million in grant funding was distributed in the past fiscal year by the organization.  In addition, CFCI distributed more than $230,000 in grants and scholarships through its competitive granting process.  Roberts stated, “We are honored to play a role in distributing charitable support to worthy organizations throughout central Illinois .  CFCI is in the business of promoting philanthropy, and we are so thankful for those supporters who work with us to positively impact the quality of life in our community”. The luncheon also featured a performance by members

BBB Serving 36 Counties of Central Illinois

BBB of Central Illinois would like to thank 136 businesses of Central Illinois for renewing their Accreditation April 1 through April 30 2011.

IDOT: Shade-Lohmann Bridge Lane Closures

The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) announces that motorists will encounter intermittent lane closures on the Shade-Lohmann Bridge from approximately Monday, May 16 th through Friday, May 27 th . These lane closures are necessary for crews to perform a routine inspection of the bridge. The closures will be in place from approximately 8:30 am to 3:30 pm and will begin on the westbound side of the bridge. Please slow down and use extreme caution while driving through all work zones.

Nine Game Homestand Continues

KRAFT Singles Tuesday Night Ticket Night: The Burlington Bees begin a three-game series in Peoria on Tuesday, May 10 at 6:30 p.m. It's a KRAFT Singles Tuesday Night Ticket Night as fans can bring a KRAFT package wrapper to a Chiefs game on Tuesday's and receive a buy one ticket, get one free offer. It's also Salute to Pawn Shops and Antiques Night. The Chiefs will be saluting the greatest antique shows and pawn stars throughout the evening. BUY TICKETS Dollar Night: The eighth game of the homestand is a 6:30 p.m. game on Wednesday, May 11 against Burlington. It's the second $1 Night of the year with hotdogs, soda, and ice cream all available for only a buck each. Wednesday is also the Salute to Sponsors Night as the Chiefs will be giving a special thanks to all the companies and organizations that make this season possible. BUY TICKETS Thirsty Thursday: The series ends with another 6:30 p.m. start on Thursday, May 12 with gates opening at 5:30 p.m. It's

This Week With The Chamber

Speed Networking, Tech Show 'n Tell, Breakfast 2.0 and what is happening this week with the Pekin Area Chamber of Commerce by clicking here:

Wings and Wheels Fly-In Cruise-In

Wings and Wheels Fly-In Cruise-In will be hosted by Pekin Municipal Airport on June 18, 2011 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. There will be a pancake breakfast served from 8:00-11:00, and pork chop & brat sandwiches served from 11:00-4:00. Free Young Eagles airplane rides will be given from 8:00-11:00 a.m. to those between ages 8 and 17. A parent/ guardian must be present. Adult airplane rides for a fee. Admission is FREE. For more information on this event, contact (309) 348-3692.    

Uftring Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram Names New General Manager

On April 1st, Uftring Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram in North Pekin announced that Steve Porter has been named the dealership’s General Manager. Mr. Porter, a native of Pekin, has been part of of the Uftring Auto Group family of dealerships since 1996, serving in sales, finance and management positions throughout the organization. When Gary Uftring purchased the North Pekin Chrysler Dodge Jeep dealership in early 2010, Steve was named General Sales Manager. Over the past 16 months, the dealership has grown in both the sales and service departments under his leadership and supervision. Additionally, Mr. Porter has been instrumental in hiring and training an exceptional group of sales professionals, increasing inventory and promoting a “customer first” philosophy that is a reflection of the Uftring Auto Group’s core values. Uftring Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram is located on Radio City Drive in North Pekin. For more information, call (309) 382-1000 or visit

The Community Foundation of Central Illinois to hold 23rd Annual Meeting May 10

The Community Foundation of Central Illinois will hold its 23 rd Annual Meeting, A Year in Review on Tuesday, May 10 at The Hotel Pere Marquette, Cotillion Ball Room from 11:30 am-1:15 pm.    The Community Foundation will highlight 2010 grant making and feature a performance by members of the Spoon River Community Chorus, a 2010 grant recipient for their production of Mass Theatrical, an original musical composition.     In addition, CFCI will present the 2011 Founders Award, recognizing those individuals, corporations and organizations that have greatly benefited the Community Foundation.  Past Founder Award recipients include: Caterpillar Inc., Gordon and Jean Peters, and Gene and Harriett Swager. Members of the media are invited to cover the event.

Illinois American Water Announces over $28,000 Awarded through 2011 Environmental Grant Program

Illinois American Water announced today that seven watershed initiatives across the state will receive funding through the company’s 2011 Environmental Grant Program. The recipients will receive a share of grant funds totaling approximately $28,000 which the company earmarked for community-based projects that improve, restore or protect watersheds. A panel of judges selected the winners from over 30 grant applications, which were evaluated on criteria such as environmental need, innovation, community engagement and sustainability.  Illinois American Water awarded its 2011 Environmental Grants to: ·         Spring Lake Nature Park in Streator, Ill. ·         Lisle Park District’s in Lisle, Ill. ·         Bradley University in Peoria, Ill. ·         St. Clair County Health Department in Belleville, Ill. ·         McHenry County Government Water Resources Division in Woodstock, Ill. ·         Tazewell County Health Department in Pekin, Ill. ·