
Showing posts from February, 2011

PJ Star offers Free Seminar

Are you wondering how to market yourself or your business?  The Journal Star is offering a Free Seminar with Mike Blinder.  "The ABC's of Interactive Marketing".  See the link below for important information regarding the Journal Star

Mashies ~ Fundraiser for Rob Louchart


Tazewell County Genealogical and Historical Society General Meeting

Tazewell County Genealogical and Historical Society Connie Perkins, President General Meeting News Release ******************** Bill Uhler of Tremont will be the speaker at the March 8th meeting of the Tazewell County Genealogical and Historical Society. He will present a program about the three ships designated over the years by the US Navy as the USS Illinois.  He will relate their fascinating history and ultimate disposition.  Bill's program is enhanced by appropriate memorabilia and photographs. The meeting, open to the general public, will be held on Tuesday, March 8th at the society's Erlicher Research Library, located at 719 N 11th St.,Pekin, IL.  The program will begin at 7:00 PM with a business meeting immediately following the program.

Chamber Welcomes New Member, Traders Realty Corp.

Traders Realty Corp. , 721 W Lake Ave, Peoria, IL 61614; phone: 309-686-5000; fax: 309-686-9299; email: ; website: ; Jeff Kolbus, President; Business Hours: M-F 8:30 am - 5:00 pm, Sat 9am - Noon.  Traders Realty is one of the largest and most respected real estate companies in Central Illinois. Their firm has developed land for residential and commercial uses, maintained a rental and management division, an associated insurance agency, and an industrial and commercial division, in addition to their residential sales group.

Tom Hornstein Elected to Board of Directors at Herget Bank

(Pekin, Illinois) During  Herget Bank 's annual meeting on February 8th, Tom Hornstein , the President and Chief Operating Officer for Excalibur Seasoning Company, Ltd ., was elected to the Bank’s Board of Directors. A graduate of Bradley University, Hornstein holds an Executive Master’s degree in Business Administration and a Bachelor’s degree in Social Sciences from Illinois State University. He brings insight from his experience in business and as an active member of the community to his new role on the Board. Hornstein is a veteran of the United States Marine Corps and currently serves on the Board of Directors for the Pekin Chamber of Commerce, Pekin Insurance Companies and Pekin United Way. In addition, he serves on the Board of Trustees for Peoria Notre Dame High School and is actively involved with St. Jude’s VIP Fundraiser. The Board also re-elected the following members : Terry O. Tosi, M.D., Senior Partner – Pekin Pediatric Center; J.R. Bagley, Partner – Bag...

The Women's Fund of the Community Foundation of Central Illinois- Networking Event

An event sponsored by The Women’s Fund of the Community Foundation of Central Illinois Tuesday, March 1, 2011 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM Connected 3218 N. Dries Lane Peoria, IL   61604                                 A monthly networking opportunity for Peoria-area women. This month we will visit at Connected.    Join other women who share your interest in funding projects that assist women and children. Appetizers and beverages. Drawing for door prizes. Donations will be accepted to further the work of the Women’s Fund Call or email Kristan at 309/674.8730 or and ask to be added to the First Tuesdays “evite” mailing list.

Bradley University Production to Benefit The Center For Prevention of Abuse

Bradley University Presents Production of The Vagina Monologues Proceeds to Benefit The Center for Prevention of Abuse Bradley University students will present two performances of The Vagina Monologues, a play written by Eve Ensler, at 7 p.m., Friday and Saturday, March 4th and 5th, in the Michel Student Center Ballroom, located at 915 N. Elmwood. Tickets are $5 per person at the door and proceeds will benefit The Center for Prevention of Abuse. This production is part of a nation-wide campaign to stop violence against women, called V-Day. The tone of the play ranges from funny to awkward to heartbreaking, but the messages are to encourage female empowerment. It is intended for a mature audience.

March Chamber Connection Newsletter

Another month has passed and we've condensed all the news from our blog into a monthly digest.  Please view or print this month's Chamber Connection  newsletter by visiting:

Executive Director's Report

March Executive Director's Report I recently came across a very interesting and fascinating series of web pages from JWT, one of the world’s best-known marketing communications brands.   They annually prepare a list of 100 “things” to watch.   They also present an annual report on 10 trends for the upcoming year. JWT has had some success predicting the future, with their identification of trends and things to watch.   In 2009 they correctly identified Lady Gaga, WikiLeaks and Cloud Computing as future newsmakers.   This year’s list is an eclectic mix, including beer sommeliers, F-Commerce, bamboo, digital downtime, mHealth, Rooney Mara, and my favorite, Tech Liaisons.   I strongly encourage you to invest a few minutes reviewing this information.   As the JWT Intelligence slogan states, you might just “convert cultural shifts into opportunities” for you and your organization. To see an online slideshow of 100 things to watch in 2011, visit http://www....

Biz Barometer

Biz Barometer The unemployment rate fell by 0.4 percentage points to 9.0 percent in January, while non-farm payroll employment changed little, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.   Employment rose in manufacturing and in retail trade but was down in construction, transportation and warehousing.   Employment in most other major industries changed little over the month. Pekin’s unemployment rate fell by 0.9 percentage points to 10.0 in December.   The Illinois Department of Employment Security also reported the unemployment rate in Illinois and the Peoria MSA stood at 8.8% in December. The numbers provided by the Illinois Department of Revenue show that sales tax receipts in Pekin were up 4.6% in January, compared to the January 2010 receipts.   The taxes are disbursed by the State of Illinois to municipalities in January for taxes collected in November. The numbers of homes sold in Pekin in 2010 were essentially the same as the 2009 sales.   Howe...

Chamber Membership Renewals

Membership Renewals through February 14th    Thank you to the following chamber members who have recently renewed their investment in the Pekin Area Chamber of Commerce: Aramark ~ Cybernautic ~ Facet Technologies, Inc Food Depot / Niemann Foods ~ Pekin Daily Times   Pekin Public Schools #108 ~ Riley Brothers, LLC ~ Syngenta   Tri-County IAAP ~ Uftring Chrysler Dodge Jeep

Chamber Calendar of Events

Chamber Calendar of Events Mar 1 Ambassador Meeting Mar 10 R. David Tebben Leadership Academy Mar 1 R. David tebben Leadership Academy Mar 11 Business Before Hours Mar 2 Executive Board Meeting Mar 11 Multi-Chamber Speed Networking Exchange Mar 3 R. David Tebben Leadership Academy Mar 15 R. David tebben Leadership Academy Mar 3 Pekin 1st Committee Mar 16 Marigold Festival Committee Meeting Mar 3 Business After Hours Mar 17 R. David Tebben Leadership Academy Mar 8 Member Services Committee Mar 22 R. David tebben Leadership Academy Mar 8 R. David tebben Leadership Academy Mar 24 R. David Tebben Leadership Academy Mar 9 Transportation Committee Mar 29 Business Advocacy Committee Mar 9 Board of Directors Meeting You’ll find additional member events by visiting our calendar online . Do you have an event coming up, that you would like to add to our calendar? Contact us to find out how.   This is just another benefit of your membership

Business Before Hours, March 11th


Tazewell County Comprehensive Plan

Press Release: Tazewell County hosting final public meetings for new comprehensive plan For Immediate Release February 22, 2011 Tazewell County is finishing its new comprehensive plan, and the County wants residents’ input on the final product. The County is hosting two public meetings to allow residents to review and comment on the proposed comprehensive plan. The comprehensive plan outlines goals for future county improvement, lists actions the County can take to achieve the goals, and includes a future land use map to guide future development. Residents will have the opportunity to review both the written document and the future land use map at the public meetings. Two public meetings will be held: ·         Monday February 28 Library Meeting Room at Five Points 380 N. Wilmor Rd. Washington ·         Wednesday March 2 Tremont District Library 215 S. Sampson St. Tremont The meetings will last from 5:00 p.m. un...

Multi-Chamber Speed Networking Exchange

This Speed Networking Exchange will include participation from East Peoria, Morton, Washington and Pekin Chamber members. Speed Networking allows participants to interact with other professionals one-on-one, and is designed for those whose business success depends on word-of-mouth referrals and marketing.  Participants walk away with more new contacts in one morning than some make in six months!  Limited to one participant per business category per chamber.  Just $10 per person. HIGHLIGHTS: * Enrollment limited to the first six (6) from each Chamber (first come first serve) * Limited to one participant per business category per Chamber. To register, please contact us or 346-2106. 

Pekin Main Street - Wine & Dine


Friends of McNaughton Park

Meeting Dates Announced for: Friends of McNaughton Park Organizational Meeting Tues, Feb. 22, 2011   7:00pm Soldwedel Program Center Future meeting dates: 7:00pm, Soldwedel Program Center Tuesday, May 24, 2011 Tuesday Aug. 30, 2011 Tuesday, Nov. 29, 2011 Terri S. Gambetti Superintendent of Recreation Pekin Park District 1701 Court St. Pekin, Il. 61554 desk phone: 353-4319 fax: 347-3970

Act on Energy - "sweet deal"

15% Cash Bonus Now It’s February and Act On Energy® is offering a "sweet deal" our customers will love! For all new applications submitted from February 14th through March 31st that include electric measures, an additional 15% cash bonus will be added on top of the incentive! This could increase your incentives for: VFDs Highbay lighting replacements and other non-T12 replacements Refrigeration Air conditioners Custom projects And more… Because of the T12 lighting phase-out program, T12 measures are NOT eligible for the 15% bonus, on top of the 10% bonus already being offered. The current 10% bonus for T12 lighting upgrades offers the best incentives for T12 replacements that will be offered for the duration of this program. In order to receive the 15% incentive bonus, projects must be completed no later than May 31, 2011 and final paperwork must be received within 30 days of project completion. This special offer cannot be combined with any other promotions or bon...

Act On Energy - Free Online Meeting

Free Online Meeting: Small Business Energy Savings Solutions   Last month Act On Energy® started offering a FREE monthly online meeting for businesses focused on energy-efficiency topics. This month's meeting will be focus around small commercial energy usage and how they can reduce their costs. Topics will include: - Exit signs which can save up to $60 per year - CFL light bulbs which save $17 per year - HVAC incentives - Controls for their facility - And much more!!! This FREE online meeting is scheduled for February 22 nd at 8:00 AM in the morning. To register for this meeting, click here

McDaniels Marketing Communications Wins Four Best of NAMA Awards

During the Region IV awards ceremony in the Chicago suburb of Hoffman Estates, McDaniels Marketing Communications received four awards for work completed for the Illinois Soybean Association (ISA) .  The agency received two regional first place “Best of NAMA” awards and two Merit awards from the National Agri-Marketing Association (NAMA). As a result of their entries, the company is eligible to advance the winning entries to the April 13-15 national awards ceremony in Kansas City. Two First Place Awards ISA Yield Challenge – Funded by the Illinois soybean checkoff, this local multi-media campaign included a website, data entry system, public relations, advertising, signage, incentives, prizes and more. All the pieces in the campaign promoted the inaugural year of the Yield Challenge, which was created to make Illinois soybean growers the global leader in soybean yields. As part of the program, teams of growers – working together in nine districts across Illinois – farmed side-...

Pekin 5K Run/Walk

Pekin 5K Run / Walk 2011 Benefiting the Salvation Army Youth Programs and Activities Saturday, May 14, 2011 Run 7:00 am ~ Walk 8:00 am Check-in opens at 6:00 am Coal Minners' Park Pekin, IL   Flyer / Entry Form

ciCarpool, a web-based rideshare matching service for Central Illinois

New Option for Commuting in Central Illinois. A unique partnership between regional employers, Chambers of Commerce and employer organizations, local government, and Tri-County Regional Planning Commission has resulted in the launch of ciCarpool, a web-based, interactive rideshare matching program. Tri-County Regional Planning Commission (TCRPC) is pleased to announce the launch of ciCarpool, a web-based rideshare matching service for Central Illinois.   This service will allow employees and residents in the region to find carpool partners and share rides to work, special events, or when running errands.   As a result, users will save money and fuel, improve local air quality by eliminating some of the pollution-forming emissions, and reduce congestion on the region’s roadways. The idea for ciCarpool began when a group of human resource professionals met with the Morton Economic Development Council in the fall of 2008.  Gas prices at the time were hovering at $4 per g...

Tech Show & Tell

Bring your favorite app, widget, website, software tip, tech tip, blog, tech gadget or hardware and tell everyone how it makes you more productive OR Just come and learn about the latest technologies and how others are using them to be more efficient and productive Thursday, March 10 th , 7:30 a.m. to ? Avanti’s Dome Events & Sports Center of Pekin No reservations necessary Free Coffee & Free Information Sponsored by the Member Services Committee of the Pekin Area Chamber of Commerce 346-2106

Tazewell County Children’s Advocacy Center ~ Trivia Night

April 8, 2011 6pm Embassy Suites East Peoria IL J     Teams of 8 people, $280 team registration fee, includes Hors d’oeuvres (cash bar available) J     Prizes for Best Costumes, Best Table Themes, Highest Team Score J      Live Auction, Silent Auction, Raffle, Heads & Tails All Proceeds benefit the Tazewell County Children’s Advocacy Center Serving Tazewell, Woodford and Mason Counties For Registration and other information please contact the Tazewell County Children’s Advocacy Center, 341 Buena Vista, Pekin, IL 61554. PHONE: 309.347.6001 FAX: 309.347.6189 E-MAIL:


Pekin, IL . . . On February 8 th , Hallmark House Nursing Center launched its new website, which provides up to date information regarding the many amenities unique to our facility. Deverman Advertising, based in Pekin, Illinois was contracted to assist with putting together a website that is user friendly, and showcases our facility and our dedication to providing quality healthcare for seniors. Administrator Lynn Brady stated, “Hallmark provides “resident centered” skilled nursing care that renders Hallmark as a top leader in the industry.”   Many have chosen Hallmark for:   skilled care, skilled therapy, 24-hour nursing coverage, longevity of employees, restaurant style dinning, a loving environment, spa and beauty/barber shop, wireless internet service, and medicare/private pay. If you are interested in finding out more about Hallmark and the many amenities available, please visit our website at .   Again, thank you Central Ill...

Pekin Hospital to Host “Day of Dance for Health" With Over 70 Hospitals Nationwide

Pekin Hospital invites Central Illinois residents to the annual Spirit of Women Day of Dance for Health on Saturday, February 26, 2011 from 9 a.m. – noon at the First Baptist Church of Pekin located at 700 S. Capitol.   The event will combine the fun of dancing to different kinds of music with health screenings and consumer education on heart disease and other important health topics, giveaways, heart-healthy snacks, and more.   Admission to the event is two non-perishable food items.   To attend the event, please call (309) 353-0662 or visit .   Although in its seventh year nationwide, this is the second annual event for Pekin Hospital.   Approximately 400 residents are expected to get involved in this event.   Nationwide, more than 75,000 people are expected to dance for their health on February 26 in the hopes of creating healthier communities. “Day of Dance not only increases awareness of cardiovascular disease and its risk factors,...