Mackinaw Valley Vineyard


Saturday evenings
Check-in & wine tasting 6-7pm
Game starts at about 7pm

February 2,9,23
March 2,9,23,30

Players match their wits in a strictly for fun game of trivia. It is $5 per person to play and the winning team players get weekly prizes. Teams can be a maximum of four players (less if you’re REALLY,REALLY SMART).

We start playing at 7pm and usually end about 9pm. There are eight categories and a tie-breaking ninth when needed. Teams can bring their own foods and treats and we serve wine, beer, sodas and bottled water. Call Diane at 309-645-5054 to reserve a spot for your team or if you have questions.
No trivia: February 16 and March 16 because of the Murder Mystery Dinners.
No trivia on March 20th- Easter weekend.


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