Illinois Central College “Between the Lines” Program Discusses Book versus Film Adaptations

Join Illinois Central College’s “Between the Lines” program to discuss “I Loved the Book, but I Hated the Movie! I Loved the Movie, but Hated the Book!: How to Enjoy Adaptations More,” on Tues., Nov. 6 from 7 to 8 pm in the Peoria Arbor Auditorium on the Peoria Campus. Megan Ames will offer a presentation and lead the discussion.
Has this frustrating situation with adaptations ever happened to you? Chances are, it has. Telling the same story in two very different mediums – film and literature – is always a tricky endeavor, and sometimes the results are so different from what we expect that it can be difficult to appreciate both. Yet, by understanding our experiences as the audience in more depth, we can learn to enjoy both mediums much more. Please join us for a lively discussion of the challenges of adaptation and of some of the film/book adaptations that tend to cause disagreements even among the best of friends, all while gathering the skills necessary to really enjoy that next adaptation.
“Between the Lines” is a lecture series presented by the faculty members of the English, Humanities and Language Studies Department at ICC. The goal of the series is to offer literary presentations that will interest students and people in the community, as well as promote reading literacy and scholarly study.
The programs are free and open to the public.

For more information, please contact Jim Sullivan at or


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