Pekin Riding Club Year End Awards Presented

The Pekin Riding Club held their annual awards banquet on November 6th and presented awards to several members.

To qualify for awards members were required to attend at least 5 Pekin Riding Club horse shows during the summer and earn at least 25 points for their performances during the shows.  Points are awarded based on the placing received in the different classes.

The high point awards went to Becky Miller and Wata Fancy Lena for their performances in the pleasure classes and to Rachel Windish and Kiowa for their performances in the speed classes.

Top 5 awards were given for the top competitors in the pleasure classes with Becky Miller and Wata Fancy Lena, Arianna Haines and A Credit Risk, Shelby Hammel & Mandy, Kierstyn Biedenharn and Mary Jane, and Brittani Bucco and Loots Royal Robin receiving awards.  The top competitors in the speed classes were Rachel Windish and Kiowa, Brooke Parrish and Daisy, Haley McWhorter and Oklahoma Golden Girl, Sandy Fritzenmeyer and Kitty and Victoria Wyman and Spirit making up the top 5.

Additional award winners in the pleasure classes listed in the order of their standings were Sarina Schenk and Silent Dosage, Tiffany Oertle and MAF Savannah Anna, Karen Baer and Tuffkids Sundust Angel, Monica Fritzenmeyer and Colty, Kathy Pierce and Zip it in the Bud, Sandy Fritzenmeyer and Kitty, Ashley Defenbaugh and Apollo, Laurie Miller and Mary Jane, Susan Meeker and Woody, Blake Meeker and Buzz Lightyear, and Dawn Meadows and Thunder.

Other members receiving awards in the speed classes and listed in the order of their standings were Haley McWhorter and Shawnee, Briana Wiker and Ugly, Jenna-Rae McHenry and Twister, Elise Morgan and Thunder, Megan Windish and Ginger, Blake Meeker and Ginger, Rachel Windish and Lipstick, Dan Williamson and Amazing Shine, Chelsey Jones and Fancy, Monica Fritzenmeyer and Colty, Ashti Dawson and Nick, Beth Day-Wright and Tex, Crystal Pettis and A Silent Sensation, Jenn Thorne and Boomer, Natalie Pliura and Crystal, Bree Keyt and Max, Jenna-Rae McHenry and Cricket and McKenna Hutson and Bronc.

Special awards were presented to the younger participants with certificates going to Madison Allis, Milia Cookesy, Moses Cooksey, Malaysia Dawson, Abby Embry, Shelby Gulley, Bree Keyt, MacKenzie Knowles, Blake Meeker, Jordyn Wright, and Sami Wright.

The Pekin Riding Club is a membership-based, non-profit organization that is open to horse enthusiasts of all skill levels and ages. It is the only group of its kind in the tri-county area.  For more information on the Pekin Riding Club, visit their comprehensive website at, or contact Nicole Mauser-Storer, President, at 309.258.9234.


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