Act On Energy Now Offering Early Completion Bonuses
Act On Energy® has announced three Early Completion Bonuses designed to help reduce your energy usage and costs. Some of these incentives have been increased to the highest levels they have ever been – so now is the best time to implement that energy-efficiency project!
Below you will find some informational sheets that explain each bonus in detail. Here’s an overview of the new bonus incentives:
Custom projects are project in your facility that are unique in nature or are process improvements. Custom applications submitted after Oct. 20, 2010 may be eligible for bonus incentives. Complete your Custom project by March 31, 2011 for a 2¢ early bonus incentive for each kilowatt-hour (kWh) saved. If you can’t finish your project by then, but can finish it up by April 30, 2011, we’ll still provide a 1¢ bonus for each kWh saved. After April 30, 2011, your project will no longer be eligible for bonuses – but if it’s completed before May 31, 2011, we will still honor the base incentive. With this early completion bonus the overall incentive you receive could be increased up to 40%!
Highbay Fixture Replacement
Highbay replacement measures (BPL91) submitted after October 20, 2010 may be eligible for a bonus incentive. If you complete your project by March 31, 2011 we’ll add an additional 5.5¢ per watt reduced to the base incentive for a total of 30.5¢ per watt reduced. If you aren’t able to finish by then, but complete your project by April 30, 2011, you’ll still receive a bonus incentive of 4.5¢ per watt reduced. This bonus may provide you up to 22% more cash!
Compressed Air and Healthcare Retro-Commissioning
If you work with a healthcare or industrial facility over 100,000 sqft, now would be the best time to start up a retro-commissioning project. In addition to covering 50 to 80% of the initial survey cost, Act On Energy will now provide incentives to save even more energy through our new retro-commissioning bonuses. To learn more about these bonuses contact:
· Lance Escue 1.309.677.5575 for healthcare facilities
· Bob Baumgartner 1.309.349.2417 for industrial facilities
For the Early Completion Bonuses detailed above:
· Complete your project on or before March 31st and get the highest bonus available. If
your project is completed between April 1st and April 30th, you will still receive
a bonus.
· To be eligible for any of these bonuses, final paperwork must be submitted within
30 days of project completion.
In addition to these new bonuses, please remember we are offering a bonus for the replacement of T12 lighting. All applications with measures for T12 replacement submitted through December 31st will receive an additional 15% added to the incentive amount. After January 1st, this bonus will be reduced to 10%.

Below you will find some informational sheets that explain each bonus in detail. Here’s an overview of the new bonus incentives:
Custom projects are project in your facility that are unique in nature or are process improvements. Custom applications submitted after Oct. 20, 2010 may be eligible for bonus incentives. Complete your Custom project by March 31, 2011 for a 2¢ early bonus incentive for each kilowatt-hour (kWh) saved. If you can’t finish your project by then, but can finish it up by April 30, 2011, we’ll still provide a 1¢ bonus for each kWh saved. After April 30, 2011, your project will no longer be eligible for bonuses – but if it’s completed before May 31, 2011, we will still honor the base incentive. With this early completion bonus the overall incentive you receive could be increased up to 40%!
Highbay Fixture Replacement
Highbay replacement measures (BPL91) submitted after October 20, 2010 may be eligible for a bonus incentive. If you complete your project by March 31, 2011 we’ll add an additional 5.5¢ per watt reduced to the base incentive for a total of 30.5¢ per watt reduced. If you aren’t able to finish by then, but complete your project by April 30, 2011, you’ll still receive a bonus incentive of 4.5¢ per watt reduced. This bonus may provide you up to 22% more cash!
Compressed Air and Healthcare Retro-Commissioning
If you work with a healthcare or industrial facility over 100,000 sqft, now would be the best time to start up a retro-commissioning project. In addition to covering 50 to 80% of the initial survey cost, Act On Energy will now provide incentives to save even more energy through our new retro-commissioning bonuses. To learn more about these bonuses contact:
· Lance Escue 1.309.677.5575 for healthcare facilities
· Bob Baumgartner 1.309.349.2417 for industrial facilities
For the Early Completion Bonuses detailed above:
· Complete your project on or before March 31st and get the highest bonus available. If
your project is completed between April 1st and April 30th, you will still receive
a bonus.
· To be eligible for any of these bonuses, final paperwork must be submitted within
30 days of project completion.
In addition to these new bonuses, please remember we are offering a bonus for the replacement of T12 lighting. All applications with measures for T12 replacement submitted through December 31st will receive an additional 15% added to the incentive amount. After January 1st, this bonus will be reduced to 10%.
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