Doing Business with the Government: Understanding how the Federal Recovery (ARRA) can help

IL PTAC at Illinois Central College invites area small business owners who are interested in doing business with the government and understanding how the ARRA program can help target new markets.

This event will be held Tuesday, November 17, 2:30 p.m. at the Illinois Central College, North Campus, Cedar Hall, Room 60.

Topics to be presented include an overview of business opportunities (bids and solicitations), goods and services purchased by the federal government, as well as how to register as a vendor.

For registration information, please contact Kathy Shelton at or 309-690-6817. The cost for this event is $20 per attendee. Pre-registration is required.

IL PTAC at ICC is a no cost outreach program for small and medium-sized businesses looking for contracting opportunities with government agencies and large companies. Our goal is to help Central Illinois businesses win government contracts and subcontracts related to government projects, and to help strengthen our Illinois economy by creating or retaining jobs, and helping business growth. More information can be found at


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