Partners In Peace Awards Luncheon to Feature Tina Meier – Expert on Bullying

March 3, 2011 – Peoria, Illinois – The 17th Annual Partners In Peace Luncheon will be held Wednesday, March 30th at noon at the Peoria Civic Center Ballroom. Individuals and groups in the community who further the vision of The Center for Prevention of Abuse, to build a safe and peaceful community, will be honored. The luncheon also recognizes volunteers from The Center for their dedication of time, talent and energy.

Tickets are 40.00 each and tables of 10 are available. Make a reservation by calling Lisa Prather @ 691-0551 or go to

Tina Meier, Expert on Bullying, is the featured speaker. Tina Meier’s 13 year old daughter, Megan, committed suicide as a result of being repeatedly bullied on-line. It was from this tragic loss that Tina founded the non-profit Megan Meier Foundation. The foundation’s mission is to "Bring Awareness, Education and Promote Positive Change to Children, Parents and Educators in Response to Ongoing Bulling and Cyber Bullying in Our Children’s Daily Environment." Tina has appeared nationally and internationally on many network television stations, on syndicated talk shows and in news magazines. Today Tina Meier travels throughout the United States as a keynote speaker giving presentations on bullying and cyber bulling to K-13 schools, youth rally programs, Internet safety summits and parent/educator groups.

Sponsors of the event include Ameren, CEFCU, WEEK-TV, Lite Rock 107, Verizon Wireless, Caterpillar Inc., Methodist Medical Center, Bonnie Schofield in memory of Chuck Schofield, Farnsworth Group, Par-a-Dice HotelCasino, Peoria Magazines, and Times Newspapers,
