Illinois Companies Don’t Want Their Employees ‘Linked In’.

In a survey of 188 Illinois companies conducted by AAIM Employers’ Association, approximately 80 percent of respondents indicated that employee access to social networking websites during working hours is either disallowed or allowed, but with restrictions. In fact, approximately 30 percent of companies surveyed responded that access to such sites as Facebook, MySpace and LinkedIn is completely blocked from company computers.

Additionally, just over half (54 percent) of companies surveyed indicated that they use a monitoring system to keep an eye on the websites accessed by employees during working hours. Companies with monitoring systems were asked for more information about their systems, and the majority of respondents (80 percent) indicated that their Information Technology (IT) department handled the monitoring of staff computers. Approximately 90 percent of companies surveyed take some form of disciplinary action against those employees found to be in violation of the company’s social networking website use policy.

AAIM Employers' Association (AEA) was formed in 2009 with the merger of AAIM Management Association of St. Louis, Mo and the Employers Association of Peoria, Il. The new entity serves more than 1600 companies in over 60 counties in Missouri and Illinois. AEA helps employers attract, retain and motivate great people—building stronger employer communities, better workplaces and an environment that supports business growth.


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