The Illinois Central College Theatre Program presents the R-rated drama Columbinus, opening November 9 for seven performances in the studio stage theatre of the ICC Performing Arts Center, located on the East Peoria Campus.

               Created by the United States Theatre Project and written by Stephen Karam and PJ Paparelli, Columbinus examines people and events surrounding the April 1999 shootings at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colo.

               The show is rated R for extreme language, adult situations and violence. No one under 18 years of age will be admitted.

               The story utilizes portions of discussions with parents, survivors and community leaders in Littleton, as well as diaries and home video footage, to examine the tragic school shooting and explore some of the dark areas of American adolescence. Columbinus looks at issues present in high schools all across America, such as alienation, hostility and social pressure.

               The show runs from November 9 through November 18 with no performances on November 12, 13 and 14. Sunday shows begin at 2:30 pm; all other performances start at 7:30 pm.

               Cast members, their roles and their hometowns include: Cody Cornwell, Prep, Pekin; Josh Graff, Eric/Freak, Manito; Vanessa Hesh, Rebel, Pekin; Tess Howley, Faith, Washington; Destiny Jording, Perfect, El Paso; Noah Lane, AP, Trivoli; Dalton Sander, Jock, La Fayette; and Coleton Whitford, Dylan/Loner, Pekin.

Robin Berkley directs the ICC production. The show is produced by special arrangement with Dramatic Publishing.

Tickets cost $8 for the general public and $6 for students and senior citizens.

The production is presented by the Arts at ICC, which has a rich history of enhancing the arts community and expanding education beyond the classroom. Arts at ICC presents more than 500 exhibits, performances, lectures, rehearsals, meetings, master classes, clinics, seminars, receptions, orientations, forums, auditions and tournaments annually.

               For tickets or more information, visit or call the ICC Performing Arts Center Box Office at (309) 694-5136.


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