Long-Range Transportation Plan 2045 – Draft

The Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) is a federally required document that is updated every five years, and establishes a vision for pedestrian, bicycle, transit, automobile, rail, and air travel over the next 25 years. The draft LRTP is available for public review and comment from Tuesday, May 5 through Wednesday, June 3, 2020. Visit https://tricountyrpc.org/documents/lrtp-2045/ to view the plan online and email any questions/comments/feedback to Ryan Harms rharms@tricountyrpc.org. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and stay-at-home order, hard copies of the plan are not available at public review sites. If you need assistance, please contact TCRPC staff. All feedback will be reviewed and considered. Staff will present the final document for approval at the PPUATS Policy Committee meeting on June 3, 2020 at 9:00am.
TCRPC will host four online public meetings:
The online meetings will feature a presentation from staff on the LRTP and opportunity for comment. Attendees of the meetings will be invited to follow up on MindMixer, available at https://tricountyrpc.mindmixer.com.


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