Illinois Central College President Appointed to the State IBHE COVID-19 Campus Reopening Committee

Illinois Central College is proud to announce ICC President Dr. Sheila Quirk-Bailey has been appointed to the Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE) COVID-19 Campus Reopening Committee to help shape the reopening of Illinois college campuses. The 16-person committee includes 12 Illinois college presidents with four from public universities, four from private universities and four representing community colleges.  

Dr. Quirk-Bailey and the committee will use their leadership and vital insights to create guidance on how to open campuses safely this fall in accordance with Gov. Pritzker’s plan to reopen the state (Restore Illinois:  A Public Health Approach to Safely Reopen Our State). The guidance of the committee will be disseminated statewide to public and independent postsecondary institutions in Illinois, as well as to students and families who want to know what they could face in the fall.

“I am proud to join the committee and represent Illinois Central College, the central Illinois region, and all those we serve. ICC and other community colleges learned a wealth of knowledge while transitioning to online delivery for the last half of the spring semester, as well as converting in-person instruction to online for the summer. These lessons learned will prove valuable when working to develop a safe and effective re-opening plan,” said Dr. Quirk-Bailey. “Looking forward, I’m honored to have a voice in the decisions being made affecting the students we support. It will especially be important when it comes to students requiring face-to-face instruction to complete their program, such as labs for various health careers or equipment training for the Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs.”  

“We know there is a lot of uncertainty, but one thing that is certain is that Illinois colleges remain the best, most affordable option for many. Whether that means working online to be safe, or a socially-distanced in-person experience, our colleges and universities will be here,” said IBHE Executive Director Ginger Ostro. “As we focus on implementing the Restore Illinois plan across the state’s higher education system, the expertise of these college and university leaders will be invaluable.”
Visit for additional information regarding the committee and its members.


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