Big Table Follow Up

Organic activities are already flowing out of the recent Big Table GP event.  Here is an opportunity for anyone who was in attendance at the first session of the Big Table to take an action step and be part of the solution to many of the concerns voiced in the morning session.  

Junior Achievement of Central Illinois is hosting an Imagine the Future breakfast on November 20th  - here’s why:

Imagine the future….

  • What if we leaned-in on teaching students how to budget and manage money starting as early as kindergarten?
  • What if students were able to start exploring careers in elementary school with hands-on experiences?
  • What if every student was giving the opportunity to learn using the five C’s?
    • Creativity
    • Critical thinking
    • Collaboration
    • Communication
    • Computational thinking
  • What if student’s learned through real people from different occupation’s why essential skills are so important?
  • What if we could help a child go from I can’t to I can?

We are turning these aspirations into reality with every student that we are able to impact through Junior Achievement’s programs delivered by real people!


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