UNITED WAY: Emotional Support Volunteer - Virtual/Remote Opportunity


Volunteers are needed to provide emotional support to families and residents as the community moves through this crisis.  In response to keeping everyone's physical health safe, many of seniors and families are vulnerable to loneliness and helplessness.
The Emotional Phone Support Service is available to link volunteers to anyone requesting emotional support services.  These volunteers will call daily and provide warm responses, self-care resources and a listening ear.  Each call will last about 15 minutes, at the most, but can be conducted daily to assure there is a human connection for everyone.
Volunteers will need to complete the attached COVID 19 Emotional Support Volunteer Form if you are interested in providing that calm voice to our residents. 
Your volunteer contact is:
  • Kim Keenan, LCSW, PhD
  • Tazewell County Health Department
  • 309-929-0240
  • kkeenan@tchd.net

Guidelines for Emotional Support Volunteers:
  • Please be sure to review the roles and responsibilities for volunteers. You will be receiving possible people to contact daily.  When receiving this information, let me know if you are available to provide services.
  • Be sure to inform your contacts in the first call that you are there as a listening ear, a supportive voice and will do what you can to connect to resources, when possible.  You cannot deliver mental health counseling, make house calls, do deliveries or make guarantees that resources can be met.
  • Introduce yourself as a volunteer through United Way and are working with the Tazewell County Health Department to be sure we offer well-being services through these challenging days.  We are all in this together!
  • Determine what time of the day and or time they prefer to be contacted.  Limit times available for call between 8-4, if possible.
  • Be sure to block your number as we do not want for your personal phone to be contacted directly between callee to caller.
  • Each call should be limited to 15 minutes for the benefit of energy for both caller and callee.


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