Gateway: What are the benefits of not drinking?

April is Alcohol Awareness Month
April marks National Alcohol Awareness Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness and starting a conversation about the impacts of alcohol use.

Unlike other substances, alcohol has been normalized. Alcohol is the most used substance – however, it is still dangerous. Alcohol use can lead to many short- and long-term consequences, including major health concerns.

Long-term use, particularly in excessive amounts, can have significant effects on the body and brain. Some of this impact can be difficult or impossible to reverse.

  • High blood pressure and increased risk of stroke
  • Weakened immune system and decreased ability to ward off infections
  • Increased susceptibility to diseases such as tuberculosis and pneumonia
  • Inflammation, including alcoholic hepatitis, fibrosis and cirrhosis
  • More severe mood swings, depression and anxiety
In addition to improved brain function from continued abstinence from alcohol, there are plenty of health benefits of abstaining from alcohol, including:  
About Gateway Foundation
Since 1968 our goal has been straightforward: to help clients get their life back on track and achieve a life of sobriety, free from drug use and symptoms of mental illness, that is productive, socially responsible and healthy. Gateway Foundation is the largest nonprofit treatment provider in the country that specializes in the treatment of substance use disorders, providing treatment for men, women, adolescents and clients diagnosed with co-occurring mental health disorders.

Gateway's professional clinicians help thousands of individuals successfully complete treatment by developing a personalized plan that treats the underlying causes of substance abuse—not just addiction to drugs or alcohol.

Call 877.505.HOPE (4673)
to learn more about our treatment programs.


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