CASA of the Tenth Judicial Circuit Urges Residents to Act Against Child Abuse

During National Child Abuse Prevention Month in April, CASA of the Tenth Judicial Circuit challenges residents of Peoria, Tazewell, Marshall, Putnam and Stark Counties to stand against child abuse and take action to support children who have been abused or neglected.

At any given time, there are over 1,500 children in foster care in Tenth Circuit Juvenile Courts. These children enter the child welfare system through no fault of their own. “The number of children coming into care continues to grow and we aim to meet that need,” said Pamela Perrilles, Executive Director. “Every child deserves the support of a caring, consistent, trained adult, a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA), to help them find a safe, loving home where they can heal and thrive.”

Throughout April, CASA of the Tenth Judicial Circuit is calling on members of the community to help our program serve more of the Tenth Judicial Circuit’s most vulnerable children. Here's how you can get involved!

  • Attend a volunteer information meeting!
    • April 22nd, 5:30 – 7:00pm, Two25, 225 NE Adams, Peoria
    • April 30th, 5:30 – 7:00pm, Tazewell County Justice Center, 101 S Capitol St, Pekin
  • Invite us to speak to your organization or group!
  • Come help us raise awareness of Child Abuse and Neglect!
    • Hands Around the Courthouse, April 26th at noon, Peoria County Courthouse Plaza
  • Follow us on Social Media.

Sadly, without intervention, the odds are stacked against children in foster care. However, a child with a CASA volunteer spends 20 percent less time in foster care, on average, compared to a child without a CASA volunteer. Studies show children with a CASA volunteer receive more services that are critical to their well-being and are four times more likely to find a permanent home. 
To become a volunteer or a supporter or for more information about CASA of the Tenth Judicial Circuit, visit or call (309)669-2939.

CASA of the Tenth Judicial Circuit is a member of the National Court Appointed Special Advocate Association (National CASA), a nationwide network of programs in nearly 1,000 communities. At the heart of the movement are nearly 87,000 highly trained volunteers who advocate for the best interests of more than 280,000 of America’s children who have been abused or neglected. In the Tenth Judicial Circuit, there are 160 volunteer advocates fighting for the best interests of 422 children but over 1,000 more children need the care and support of a CASA volunteer.


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