Illinois Central College Adult Education Program Ranked 5th in the State

               The Illinois Community College Board (ICCB) recently ranked the Illinois Central College’s Adult Education Program 5th among a total of 35 community colleges providing adult education services in the State of Illinois for fiscal year 2017.
               ICC Adult Education Programs include high school equivalency (GED), English as a Second Language, Manufacturing and Healthcare Bridge, Manufacturing and Health Care Integrated Education and Training, advisement for transitioning to postsecondary education, and Career Foundations services.
               “We are proud of ICC’s Adult Education Program’s ranking of 5th in the State,” said ICC Associate Vice President of Workforce Development Dr. Andrew Kerr.
               “It is further confirmation of our dedicated staff’s passion for the mission of the College and a quest toward continuously improving our services for the benefit of our students and the community. There have been significant changes in adult education to increase high school equivalency credentials and post-secondary enrollment in the state, and ICC is committed to keeping up that momentum locally.”
               The College also had a strong fiscal year 2018, with a record 63 students earning their GED and a completion rate among English as a Second Language (ESL) students also at a record 88 percent. The Adult Education Department also created an ESL/GED program to assist the transition of students into GED.
               Criteria for ranking colleges includes reading level gains.
               For more information, contact the ICC Adult Education Program information line at (309) 694-5240.


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