August Puttin' On Pekin

Sixty-two chamber members and guests attended the August 10th Puttin' On Pekin breakfast at the Avanti's Dome.  The early prize was won by John Abel, while Megan Olt claimed the late prize.  Senator David Koehler presented a Certificate of Recognition from the Illinois State Senate to Bill Fleming, in recognition of the 125th Anniversary of the Pekin Area Chamber of Commerce.  Brent Eichelberger from Commerce Bank accepted the Spotlight on Business award, and Jill Parker, Shannon Johnson and Marisa Jennings took the traveling trophy back to the bank.  Dr. Danielle Owens and Sheila Coussens-Martin accepted the Sunshine Award for the Dragon's Closet at PCHS.  Gene Olsen, director of the Wayne A. Downing Peoria International Airport was the program.  In addition to giving an update on the airport operations  he spoke about the economic benefits of "shopping local" on air travel.  You can see more pictures from this event at:


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