Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Curriculum, Free Resources from IL Dept of Human Rights


The Illinois Department of Human Rights (IDHR) was charged by Public Act 101-0221 (commonly referred to as the Workplace Transparency Act) to develop and release a model Sexual Harassment Prevention Training program for Illinois employers. 


Formerly Senate Bill 75, Public Act 101-0221 was signed into law by Governor Pritzker in August 2019. Under this Act, Illinois employers are required to train employees on sexual harassment prevention by December 31, 2020, and on an annual basis thereafter.  This requirement applies to all employers with employees working in this State.  Employers must either develop their own sexual harassment prevention training program that equals or exceeds the minimum standards for sexual harassment prevention training outlined in Section 2-109(B) of the Illinois Human Rights Act (IHRA), or they may use the model training provided by the IDHR.

In addition to providing the sexual harassment prevention training described above, restaurants and bars are required to provide supplemental sexual harassment prevention training that complies with Section 2-110 of the IHRA. Illinois restaurants and bars must either develop their own supplemental training or utilize the model training provided by the IDHR.  The IDHR's supplemental training model for restaurants and bars is forthcoming.

The IDHR has made available online and free of cost a sexual harassment prevention training curriculum that meets the training requirements outlined in Sections 2-109 and 2-110 of the IHRA. To download the Power Point presentation, PDF presentation, or video presentation please CLICK HERE. 
Employers should keep an internal record of training compliance to be made available for IDHR inspection upon request. Records that reflect compliance may include but are not limited to, a certificate of participation, a signed employee acknowledgement, or training sign-in worksheets. A record of training should include the names of employees trained, the date of training, the sign-in worksheets, copies of certificates of participation issued, and a copy of all written or recorded materials that comprise the training as well as the name of the training provider, if applicable. Records may be paper based or electronic.

Direct link to training resources:

Please direct any questions related to training to the IDHR:
Institute for Training and Development
555 West Monroe Street, 7th Floor
Chicago, Illinois 60661
Voice:  (312) 814-2477
TTY:  (866) 740-3953
Email:  IDHR training unit
Office hours:  8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday - Friday
Illinois Department of Human Rights



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