June Puttin' On Pekin Recap

Sixty chamber members and guests attended the June 14 Puttin' On Pekin breakfast held at the Avanti's Dome.  Hunter Wooding won the early prize, while Nikki DiDonato won the late prize. Chris Valentine accepted the Spotlight on Business Award for NRG Energy/Powerton.  Sunshine Awards were given to Nikki DiDonato & Vanessa Cox from Aerial Athletics, Christina & Justin Abatie from Two P's Pizza & Pub, and Dori West from West Dublin Pub. Pekin Area Network presented their college scholarship for business students to Hunter Wooding. Sharon Samuels Reed was the featured speaker.  The former PCHS teacher is now the choir and fine arts director at St. Paul's United Church of Christ. You can see more pictures from this event at:  https://photos.app.goo.gl/FDWBmQjPn8yrPCry9


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