Gateway: LGBTQ+ Substance Use Treatment Program

More than half of LGB respondents reported having faced cases of providers denying care, using harsh language, blaming the patient’s sexual orientation or gender identity as the cause of an illness.

LGBTQ+ individuals face many of the same health issues as the general population, but at much higher rates, including mental health and substance use disorders. Receiving proper care for these issues presents a set of challenges for members of the LGBTQ+ community. As adults, they face many barriers in obtaining the care they need, and may have been discouraged from seeking care because of discrimination, stigma, previous negative experiences in coming out to health care providers, fear of negative reactions from providers, or having heard about others’ bad experiences when seeking treatment.

Many health care providers are not trained to serve LGBTQ+ patients. This has a negative impact on the quality and effectiveness of care that they receive. Training healthcare providers to be sensitive and aware of the challenges that face members of the LGBTQ+ community is crucial for their care and positive outcome. 

to learn more!

About Gateway Foundation 
Since 1968 our goal has been straightforward: to help clients get their life back on track and achieve a life of sobriety, free from drug use and symptoms of mental illness, that is productive, socially responsible and healthy. Gateway Foundation is the largest nonprofit treatment provider in the country that specializes in the treatment of substance use disorders, providing treatment for men, women, adolescents and clients diagnosed with co-occurring mental health disorders.

Gateway's professional clinicians help thousands of individuals successfully complete treatment by developing a personalized plan that treats the underlying causes of substance abuse—not just addiction to drugs or alcohol.


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