Mackinaw Valley Vineyard


June & July Vineyard Newsletter

Summer Fun at the Vineyard, we have something for everyone!

Concerts in the Vineyard
6/17 Jammsammich
6/24 Biscuits & Gravy
6/30 Brushville,  Friday,  8-11pm
7/01   7 West
7/08 Sweetwater
7/15 Jammsammich
7/22 Bubblegum  Jack
7/28 Brushville,
Friday, 8-11pm
7/29 Femme Fatale
Fridays, 8-11pm $10pp
Saturdays, 7-11pm, $5 pp

Festivals and Events
6/18  Father's Day-Fishing Day 
free catch & release fishing 

7/16 Art & Wine Festival- free come out and support local art 

7/21 Country Idol Contest with 107.7 & 92.1 THE BULL
Videos for contestants must be submitted by email to-
Entries may be acapella or with musical accompaniment. 
Showoff your musical talent and have some fun, we can't wait to see what you've got!

7/23 Masterpiece Painting Classes at the Vineyard, 11am or 2pm. 
You're more talented then you think, painting may be your hidden talent.

Mackinaw Valley Vineyard | 309-359-9463| facebook-Mackinaw Winery|


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