ICC "Between the Lines" Program Explores a Life Worth Writing April 3

               Join Illinois Central College’s “Between the Lines” program as International Education Coordinator Tia Van examines the ground-breaking memoirs of the 21st century to reveal the answer to the question “What makes a story worth telling?” A Life Worth Writing: An Exploration of the Rhetorical Traditions and Relativity of Truth in 21st Century Memoirs will take place Mon., April 3 at 2:30 pm in Room 212C/D on the East Peoria Campus.
By looking at renowned authors’ use of “trigger words/situations,” implications of truth, against the “norm” behaviors, and their rhetorical or persuasive structure, we can understand why we love to read a memoir. Their relatability and unique structures make them a literary genre anyone can enjoy as a valuable real-world read. This session will draw upon specific memoirs, including, but not limited to, The Liars’ Club by Mary Karr, When You’re Engulfed in Flames by David Sedaris, and Loitering by Charles D’Ambrosio.
“Between the Lines” is a lecture series presented by the faculty members of the English, Humanities and Language Studies Department at ICC. The goal of the series is to offer literary presentations which will interest students and people in the community as well as promote reading literacy and scholarly study.
               The programs are free and open to the public.

For more information, please contact Jen Hopp at jhopp@icc.edu or betweenthelines@icc.edu.


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