October Puttin' On Pekin Breakfast
Dr. Sheila Quirk-Bailey, the new President of Illinois Central College was the speaker at the October 14th Puttin' On Pekin breakfast. Dr. Bailey noted the community colleges can play in addressing economic challenges facing today's generation. She also spoke of ICC's relationship with the local high school districts and the opportunities available at the ICC Pekin campus. Several awards were also presented at the breakfast, including the Early Prize to Kay Sutton and the Late Prize to Mitch O'Shaughnessey. Tom Hornstein accepted the Spotlight on Business Award on behalf of Excalibur Seasoning. The Blue Ribbon Award was presented to Mark and Lelonie Luft, owners of Maurie's Candy. A second Blue Ribbon Award was presented to Mitch O'Shaughnessey (Dreamscapes Landscaping) and Sarah Newcomb (City of Pekin) for their beautiful downtown flower pot project. You can see more pictures from this event at: https://goo.gl/photos/DGhGkMMXEbWD5zraA
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