CEFCU received a 5-Star or “Superior” rating – the highest rating awarded  – by BAUERFINANCIAL, an independent organization that has been analyzing the performance of all financial institutions since 1983.  This rating indicates CEFCU is a safe, financially-sound credit union that is operating well above regulatory capital requirements.  BAUERFINANCIAL rates credit unions based on asset quality, capital adequacy, profitability, historical trends, reserves, and regulatory compliance.

               As of the end of December, CEFCU’s assets were $5.3 billion.  Members’ savings totaled over $4.6 billion, and loans outstanding over $3.9 billion.  CEFCU savings plans are federally insured up to $250,000 by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), a U.S. Government Agency.

   With assets over $5.3 billion, CEFCU serves over 314,000 members through 20 central Illinois Member Centers and 3 Member Centers in Santa Clara County, California; the CEFCU Financial Center; the Money Center 24 ATM Network; CEFCU’s website, cefcu.com; CEFCU’s Mobile website, m.cefcu.com; the surcharge-free CO-OP ATM Network; and the CU Service Center Shared Branch Network. 


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