Pekin's St. Joseph Parish Launches New Spring Festival with Preview Pancake Breakfast

St. Joseph Parish in Pekin will hold a pancake breakfast on Sunday, February 15, from 8:30am to 12:30pm.  The breakfast, sponsored by the St. Vincent de Paul Society, will be held in the St. Joseph school cafeteria, 300 South Sixth Street.  The public is invited.

The breakfast will preview the parish’s new spring festival, “A Spring Into New Beginnings.”  The best aspects of the parish Bazaar and the school’s Heart of St. Joseph events will be incorporated into the new celebration.

“I am happy to announce that our parish is embarking on a new form of fellowship and fundraising through a Spring Festival,” said Fr. Michael Andrejek, Pastor of St. Joseph.  “This festival will bring the members of our parish, and the greater Pekin community, closer in the bonds of faith and charity,” said Andrejek. 

The menu includes all-you-care-to-eat-pancakes, sausage, milk, juice and coffee.  The cost of a meal is $6 for adults and $3 for children 10 and under.

Questions may be directed to the parish secretary at 347-6108.


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