AAIM EA February Educational Opportunities

AAIM Employers’ Association Education Center is pleased to offer the following educational opportunities in February.  Detailed information on these and other events is available on AAIM EA’s website at www.eaconnect.com.  AAIM Employers’ Association is an HRCISM  Approved Provider.  Registrations can be made at 800.948.5700 or online at www.eaconnect.com.

“2012 Employment Law Series”

Dates:  Sessions February 15 – December 19, 2012

  1. February 15 – Preparing an Effective Handbook
    An Employee handbook is more than just a document that is quickly reviewed on an employee’s first day and then placed on a shelf.  A well written and complete handbook can be important tool for communicating policy, guiding your managers, and establishing a safe workplace environment.

2.     March 14 – Labor Laws: The Employer’s & Employee’s Rights & Obligations Under the National Labor Relations Act

3.     April 18 – Special Employment Issues: Privacy, Defamation, and Company Security

4.     June 20 – Safe Selection: Reducing Your Hiring Risk

5.     July 18 – Wage & Hour Administration

6.     August 15 – Promoting and Evaluating Employee Productivity

7.     November 14 - Managing Absenteeism and Leave Issues

8.     December 19 – The Discipline and Discharge Process


Time: 8:30am-11:00am

Location:  Par-A-Dice Hotel, East Peoria

Series Cost: $699 AAIM EA Member; $999 Non-member 

Individual Sessions Cost: $135 AAIM EA Member; $180 Non-member

This popular multi-session series is conducted by labor and employment Law attorneys from Davis & Campbell LLC.    The sessions focus on the steps employees can take to cope with the requirements of various laws and regulations. Each session qualifies for 2.25 General HRCI recertification credits.

 “Finance for the HR Professional*”

Date:  Thursday, February 16, 2012

Time: 9am-4:30pm

Location:  AAIM Employers’ Association, 401 NE Jefferson, Peoria

Cost: $395 AAIM EA Member; $565 Non-member 

To be a business partner you must ‘speak’ in business terms and be comfortable with the financial drivers of your organization.  This knowledge will also provide you with the tools you need to build the business case for HR initiatives.

Business Ethics

Date:  Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Time:  8:00am-12noon

Cost:  $135 AAIM EA Member; $180 Non-member

Learn what proactive steps you can take to prevent unethical activity within your organization for the “gray” areas you will encounter each and every day.

Human Resource Fundamentals Series

Date:  4 Full Days: Thursdays, February 23, March 8, March 22, April 6, 2012

Time:  8:00am-4:30pm each day

Location:  AAIM Employers’ Association, 401 NE Jefferson, Peoria

Cost:  $495 AAIM EA Member: $615 Non-member
This popular series provides an intensive overview of the key elements of the contemporary human resource function.  Sessions are interactive with opportunities to discuss application to individual situations.  Practical, usable ideas and suggestions for handling HR matters are offered.


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