The IAAP announces new officers for 2010-2011

Congratulations to the new 2010-2011 Officers of the Tri-County Chapter of the International Association of Administrative Professionals.

The new 2010-2011 Tri-County Chapter Officers are:

President: Judy Zimmerman, Peoria, IL. Judy is the Health Information Services Clerical Educator at OSF Saint Francis Medical Center, Peoria, IL.

Vice President: Karen Haensel, CPS/CAP, Mackinaw, IL. Karen is an Administrative Assistant at OSF Saint Francis Medical Center.

Treasurer: Tammy McBride Peoria, IL. Tammy is the Administrative Services Manager at Jim Maloof Realty, Peoria, IL.

Recording Secretary: Jannise Bush, Peoria, IL. Jannise is on the administrative team of JB Virtual Administrative Services, Peoria, IL.

Correspondence Secretary: Barb Atkins, CPS, Chillicothe, Illinois. Barb is the Executive Assistant for Emergency Services at OSF Saint Francis Medical Center, Peoria, IL

The new Tri-County Officers were installed at the IAAP chapter meeting on June 1, 2010.

The Chapter meets the first Tuesday of each month providing educational programs and networking for local administrative professionals. For additional information about the organization, please see their website at

IAAP is an international organization with over 600 chapters and 40,000 members and affiliates worldwide to promote excellence. Its members include administrative assistants, executive secretaries, office coordinators, information specialists, and related administrative professionals.


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