CEFCU Announces Management Moves and Retirement

Sara Clauser, Mark Geason, Doug Hanley, Doug Higgins, Jason Koch, Lori MacDonald, Gary Moss, and Jay Zentko will assume new management positions. In addition, Greg Jaeger, Melody Malcom, Lisa Rotermund, and Staci Wall were promoted, and Business Development Manager, Rochelle Ragan retires.

Clauser was named Manager of the University of CEFCU Department. Her responsibilities include developing corporate training and programs which support the overall strategic direction of the Credit Union.

Geason assumes the position of Automated Services Operations Manager. His responsibilities include overseeing daily operations of the Automated Services Operations Department as well as the balancing of ATMs, Fast Track Tellers, and business deposits.

Hanley was named Business Loan Officer. His job responsibilities include developing commercial business with existing and new members, examining and evaluating applications for commercial and real estate loans, and approving member business loan requests.

Higgins was named Credit Manager. His job responsibilities include overseeing the Visa Credit, Conditional Sales, and Diversified Credit Departments, as well as research and development for new credit products.

Koch will assume the position of Consumer and Visa Collection Manager. His job responsibilities include planning, directing, and controlling the collection efforts of Consumer Loan and Visa delinquency. He will also ensure the Credit Union’s collection policies and procedures are administered fairly and in accordance with State and Federal laws.

MacDonald was named Business Relationship Manager. MacDonald will direct CEFCU’s sales and servicing of business deposit account products, as well as promoting the benefits of CEFCU Membership to employers.

Moss will assume the position of Business Services Collection Manager. His job responsibilities include monitoring the collection of delinquent business loans and Visa accounts, and monitoring Business Checking overdraft protection.

Zentko was named Mortgage Loss Prevention Collection Manager. His job responsibilities include directing and controlling the collection efforts of real estate delinquency and foreclosures as well as charge-off recovery.

Jaeger was promoted to the position of Records Center Manager. His job responsibilities include overseeing daily operations and developing procedures to effectively manage CEFCU’s corporate records and information resources.

Malcom was promoted to Manager of Check Processing. Her job responsibilities involve directing and controlling the check processing system including image/non-image statement generation, business transaction processing, and balancing procedures.

Rotermund was promoted to Sales Operations Manager for the Chillicothe Member Center. Her job responsibilities include organizing and directing daily operations.

Wall was promoted to the position of Dealer Credit Manager. Her job responsibilities include organizing and directing CEFCU’s Caterpillar Dealer/Select Employee Groups operations.

Rochelle Ragan has been an employee of CEFCU for over 30 years, last serving as Business Development Manager. Her retirement was effective July 1, 2010.

With assets totaling $4.4 billion, CEFCU serves over 270,000 members through 19 Central Illinois Member Centers; Valley Credit Union, a division of CEFCU; the CEFCU Financial Center; the Money Center 24 ATM Network; CEFCU’s Web site, www.cefcu.com; and cefcu.mobi.


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