LMI Central IL - Tuesday is Coming!

Flexibility in a time of great change
is a vital quality of leadership. -Brian Tracy

If you asked for change, you have it!    FLEXIBILITY in that change, is what we are all needing to implement!   For some of you, I'm sure it's been daily.

Who knew, a month ago that our business, personal lives and world would be so radically different?  For some of us the change was traumatic, no time to process, create a back up plan or even the next step! For others, every day there is a new adjustment.    
As leaders, we are doing our best to project confidence in a very uncertain world.   Inside, we are all scrambling for a new normal, to find that rhythm that keeps us in beat.   
And guess, what?  Tuesday is still coming.  You know, that proverbial day, that we are determined to be productive.  I don't know about you, but right now each day seems to run into each other.   Our need for productivity hasn't decreased, in fact for many, it's increased.  So how are you being flexible?  

I want to encourage you as you juggle the desire to keep your company thriving, your employees healthy and your own mental status strong, to allow yourself to feel the moment. Breathe. Inhale (count to four)   Exhale (count to four).
Take the time to write out all you have to do and begin to prioritize it.  Delegate if needed.  Allow your self to feel the good, bad and ugly.  Be intentional to see the good.  Who is being creative, supportive or thinking outside the box?   Acknowledge the bad.  It's ok to get angry, feel the pain and even the fear, just don't wallow in it.   Don't let it could your judgements.  No wonder you feel that way, you've never lived through a pandemic before!     At the end of the day, make sure you have room for what you love the most.   Be flexible, it's your best quality and it sure looks good on you now!  
Looking for ways to motivate yourself or employees?
I am offering a free workshop:  I've Decided to be MORE PRODUCTIVE on April  21st from 4:30PM-6PM through I've Decided Community (Kim Martin).  If you are interested in joining us, hop on our zoom call!
In an effort to remain healthy and comply with businesses, we are able to offer our coaching, programs and all meetings via Zoom.   Here is what is coming up, CHECK OUT MY WEBSITE FOR MORE:
  • ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING (AIE)  Beginning End of April-This 5 week program is the perfect fit for what we are facing today.   We don't need to know all the answers, we just have to have the right attitude and we can take on anything!  This bring your focus to a new level! Call for more info!
  • Effective Personal Leadership for WOMEN (EPL) Beginning in May  The EPL is designed to help you release your leadership potential by understanding your self; discovering your purpose; planning your path and igniting your passion. Seating is limited, please call/connect for more information.
  • Effective Personal Productivity  (EPP) Beginning in May This is a program perfect for anyone in leadership  looking to: communicate more effectively, deal with interruptions, control priorities to increase productivity, become a team player, set goals and achieve results.
  • One on One Coaching:   Schedule a 30-minute discovery session (no charge) with me to explore your dreams, desires, and what’s getting in the way.  If you are ready to shift from where you are to where you know you can be, connect with me!  
  • Profile Assessments:  Did you know we offer 2 different types of assessments?   
    • The Energy Leadership Index (ELI) Assessment provides quantitative results on how individuals are ‘showing up’ in their lives. Putting you in back in control.
    • Profile Evaluation System® (PES) assesses individuals on a number of psychological traits that are important for job performance. Results allow companies and individuals to maximize the fit between their employment demands and the abilities, aptitudes and personalities of employees or potential employees. 
Tuesday is Coming Mastermind Group

This is a mastermind group formed in the knowledge that difficult times do not only change us but reveals our true potential and the opportunities for growth. This will be a weekly 1-hour session where we can get together and lean into the change and learn from one another. We want to provide a platform for solopreneurs, entrepreneurs, small business owners to CEO’s to come together in a think tank environment for business planning, recovery planning and overall ingenuity. The purpose is to eliminate isolation, generate support and the opportunity to inspire and achieve intentional goals through shared expertise during these times of uncertainty. We are here to collectively support and witness you master your goals!
Choose which time works best for you and log into Zoom:
9AM on Mondays:
2PM on Mondays:

My-Tyme planner: 

If you need to order a refill or extra forms for your My-Tyme, LMI-USA has updated their ordering process.

Even if you previously had an account, you will be required to set up a new one. Please follow these instructions to set up an online account:
  1. On a regular business day, please email order@lmi-inc.com and request an account to order My-Tyme refills.
  2. Within 24 hours, you will receive an email invite to set up your account.
  3. Use the link in the email to create a password for your account.
  4. Once account is set up, the order site is https://teleometrics-my-tyme.myshopify.com/ and can be used with your account in the future for any ordering.  
  5. Please use our LMI account #96700 (or specify LMI Central IL) when you reorder to be identified as our client.


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