Special Needs Cheer & Dance Team Fundraiser

Be sure to attend this breakfast fundraiser for your local special needs Cheer & Dance Team.  IRVSRA.ORG will be hosting an all you can eat breakfast at the Pekin Moose Lodge this Sunday, February 19th 8am-11am.  This event is open to the public, will cost $8.00 per person, and 40% of proceeds go towards the IRVSRA.ORG Cheer & Dance Team’s annual expenses.  The Cheer & Dance team will be performing cheer and dance routines on stage periodically throughout the morning.  So tell your friends, family, and neighbors to join you for this great cause!

Day:            Sunday
Date:           February 19th
Time:          8:00am—11:00am
Fee:             $8.00 per person
Location:     Pekin Moose Lodge
                   2605 Broadway St.
Main Entrance: Dining Hall 

Photo: (left to right) Maliya Haynes, Madison Haynes, Natalie Phillips, Bella Bishop pose of a photo after a half -time performance at Edison Jr. High. 


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