Pekin Park District Softball Leagues

Now the Holidays are done, it is time to think about spring and summer adult softball.
The times are changing and demands of slow pitch softball are also.  We always strive to give our players the best experience. 
Pekin Park District offers a division for all teams and abilities.
Sundays Am (afternoon) Industrial League
Sunday Evenings: Co-Rec A and B Leagues
Monday Evenings:  Church A and B League (openings now)
Tuesday Evenings:  Church League (Recreational)
Tuesday Evenings: New League Co-Rec (recreational church or industrial) (openings now)
Wednesday Evenings: Ladies League (openings now)
Thursday Evenings:  Industrial (openings now)
Thursday Evenings: Kickball (openings now)
Friday Evenings:  Industrial A and B Leagues (openings now)
A Leagues are the more competitive. B Leagues are traditionally the more recreational leagues.    Returning teams deadline is Friday, February 17 and new teams may register beginning Tuesday, February 21st.   If leagues had openings in 2016 new teams may sign up now.  Please call and check on leagues standings (we can find the best fit for your team).  All new teams welcome.  Kickball has openings at this time.  All leagues are on a first pay first play basis.

If you have any questions feel free to call me 201-4007.


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