Public Hearing for McClugage Bridge Project

The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) will hold a public hearing to present the study for the removal and replacement of the eastbound McClugage Bridge (U.S. 150) over the Illinois River.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017
5-7 p.m.
Washington Gifted School Gymnasium
3706 N. Grand Blvd
Peoria, Ill.

The meeting will be conducted on an informal basis. No formal presentation is planned. Representatives from IDOT will be available to answer questions and receive comments. Comments can be submitted in writing, orally to a court reporter or electronically. Comments received at this meeting or sent in by April 15, 2017, will be included in the official project record.

This meeting will address the need for the project, location of the new bridge, bridge type and potential impacts to the communities and cultural/environmental resources including wetlands and floodplains. A previous environmental assessment, as well as engineering reports, exhibits, drawings and aerial photos, will be available at the public hearing. The environmental assessment also will be available for review and inspection at IDOT’s District 4 office, 401 Main St., in Peoria.

The proposed improvement includes the removal of the existing eastbound bridge, which is eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. The public hearing will provide an opportunity to provide comments about potential impacts to cultural resources, in compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended and to assist in consultation with the Illinois State Historic Preservation Officer.

Individuals with disabilities requiring special accommodations should contact Mr. Michael Lewis by Friday, March 10, 2017, at 309-671-3333, by fax at 309-671-3498, by telecommunications device for the deaf (TTY), 309-671-3450, or in writing to IDOT District 4 re: Eastbound McClugage Bridge Project, 401 Main St., Peoria, IL 61602.


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