Goodwill to Hold Simultaneous Events to Benefit Veterans

Goodwill of Central Illinois will hold its annual Stand Down for Homeless Veterans and its inaugural Forward March & Run on Saturday, October 12. The Stand Down for Homeless Veterans will take place at Dozer Park and Forward March & Run will start and end at Dozer Park.

Stand Down for Homeless Veterans is a community based intervention program designed to provide area homeless veterans with much needed resources. Goodwill, along with other social service agencies, local businesses, and veterans’ services organizations, will provide homeless veterans with food, winter clothing, personal hygiene products, and an opportunity for a hot shower and a haircut. Veterans will also have opportunities to attend classes relating to maintaining sobriety, managing depression, veterans’ benefits, money management, legal matters, women’s resources and PTSD.

Forward March & Run gives people of all fitness levels a chance to run or walk alongside veterans, active military members and their families. The race begins at 8:00 a.m. and features a unique opening ceremony and post race celebration. Participants can choose from a one-mile march, a four-mile run or an eight-mile run. For details, course information or to register, visit Proceeds from Forward March & Run will benefits Goodwill’s veterans’ services.

For further information on Goodwill’s retail stores, donation centers and vocational services, visit or call (309) 682-1113.
