Universalist Unitarian Church of Peoria Offers Free Adult Religious Classes and Support Groups To Public

Immigration as a Moral Issue:   Overview of the complex issues of immigration.
                Thursdays starting September 15-October 20 from 7-9PM.
                Universalist Unitarian Church, 3000 W. Richwoods Blvd., Peoria, IL  61604.
                Reading materials provided.
                Pre-registration preferred.  Free child care provided upon request.
Further information is available from the church office at 688-5608.

DEEKSHA:  Meditation and blessing course which focuses on brief, hands-on technique that begins to enable the heart to flow and the brain and body to balance in order to create a state of Oneness with All That Is.   
                Every third Sunday starting September 18 from 2-3PM.
                Universalist Unitarian Church, 3000 W. Richwoods Blvd., Peoria, IL  61604
                Drop-in participation welcome at any week.     
Further information is available from the church office at 688-5608.

Buddhism Study and Discussion Group:  Course covers the basics of history and practice of Buddhism.
                Every fourth Sunday starting September 24 from 12:30-2:30.
                Universalist Unitarian Church, 3000 W. Richwoods Blvd., Peoria, IL  61604
                Drop-in participation welcome at any week.     
                Further information is available from the church office at 688-5608.


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