Tazewell County 4-H Show & Junior Fair

The Tazewell County 4-H Show and Junior Fair will be held on July 18-21st.  The Veterans Memorial Fair Association is seeking sponsors.  

As an official sponsor of the Tazewell County Fair, you are supporting 4-H members and the youth of Tazewell County. The 4-H Show and Junior Fair, requires the volunteer help and support of many people and businesses. It is a joint effort of:
  • Veterans Memorial Fair Association which owns the buildings, 
  • University of Illinois Extension Tazewell County which provides assistance to 4-H Clubs and planning for the fair,
  • Pekin Park District who maintains the buildings and uses them during the year, and
  • Hundreds of volunteer leaders, parents and other supporters of 4-H and Extension.
If you would like to be a “Sponsor” of the Fair, please indicate your level of support and return it with your check to:  Veterans Memorial Fair Association, c/o U of I Extension Tazewell County, 1505 Valle Vista, Pekin 61554.

Exhibit space in the Veterans Memorial Arena is also available to sponsors who sponsor at the $100 level or above at no added cost. You'll need to complete a “Commercial Exhibitor Contract."

Sponsorship Commitment Levels

____ Green Sponsor: $500 and more

·   Recognition as a Green sponsor and an ad in the 4-H Fair Program Booklet

  • Name listed as a Green sponsor in local newspaper ads about the Fair
  • Name listed in poster ads throughout the fairgrounds
  • Commercial Exhibit space available at no added cost

____ Blue Sponsor: $250 - $499

·   Recognition as a Blue sponsor and an ad in the 4-H Fair Program Booklet

  • Name listed as a Blue sponsor in local newspaper ads about the Fair
  • Name listed in poster ads throughout the fairgrounds
  • Commercial Exhibit space available at no added cost

____ Red Sponsor: $100 - $249

·   Recognition as a Red sponsor and an ad in the 4-H Fair Program Booklet

  • Name listed as a Red sponsor in local newspaper ads about the Fair
  • Name listed in poster ads throughout the fairgrounds
  • Commercial Exhibit space available at no added cost


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