Celebrate Recovery Ribbon Cutting

Pekin's newest Celebrate Recovery opened their doors to serve our community on August 15th at North Parkway Assembly of God, located at 1209 North Parkway Drive. Celebrate Recovery is a faith-based 12-step addiction recovery program that focuses on helping people find freedom from various hurts, hang-ups, and habits. This includes, but is not limited to, drug and alcohol addiction, codependency, mental health issues, anxiety, depression, grief, sex addictions, and much more. There are over 40 Celebrate Recovery programs in Central Illinois, over 35,000 around the world, and more than 5 million people have completed a Celebrate Recovery Step Study. Step studies are gender specific small groups that meet at a different time than the general meeting night to work through the 12-step program and support each other through the process of finding freedom. 

You can see more photos from this event at:  https://photos.app.goo.gl/sm59FtaZNRcCP27R8


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