Business Input Needed

The Illinois Workforce Innovation Board works to ensure education and workforce development programs meet the needs of businesses, students and jobseekers. The Board strongly believes in workforce development solutions created jointly with business. Illinois workforce and education agencies are researching strategies for overcoming key challenges employers’ face as it relates to securing and retaining qualified talent. These approaches include establishing and maintaining dialogues and partnerships that ensure the education and workforce systems are responsive to your evolving talent needs and are providing services that improve your access to skilled workers. Our findings will shape the services the State of Illinois provides to businesses and our strategies for improving communication between the private sector and those in public education and workforce development.

They need the perspectives from businesses to make their  research and the subsequent solutions impactful. Please take a few moments to answer the survey at  

Please complete the survey no later than January 31st, 2019. Contact Thom Pennell, with questions.


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