Illinois Central College Welcomes Dr. Andrew Kerr to Lead its Workforce Development Initiative

            Illinois Central College recently welcomed Dr. Andrew Kerr in its newly created position of Associate Vice President of Workforce Development. The new position will play a vital role in directing ICC’s increased focus on serving the community through workforce development in the region, including apprenticeship opportunities and partnerships with local industry.
            “We are fortunate to have Andrew on board at ICC,” said ICC President Dr. Sheila Quirk-Bailey. “He will provide leadership for workforce training initiatives and business and industry partnerships to advance the development of and enrollment in college-ready programs for business and industry. His extensive expertise in the areas of global education, leadership administration, project management, and faculty development will be a valuable asset as he leads the Professional Development Institute, College and Career Readiness, and the Career Center.”
            Kerr’s position will be actively involved in regional economic development, employer organization, and district high schools to ensure program outreach and alignment.
            He is an ICC alumnus and also holds a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in communication from Western Illinois University. He earned his Ed.D. in Interdisciplinary Leadership from Creighton University.
            For more information on ICC’s workforce development initiatives, contact ICC at (309) 694-5-ICC or visit


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