It is with deep regret that the employee-owners of Morton Community Bank acknowledge the loss of friend,
co-worker, President and Co-CEO Jim Mamer. 

“I had his 30-year pin here in my drawer, ready for our ESOP celebration next week,” said Gordon Honegger, Chairman Emeritus.  “Jim joined MCB in 1986 and established our Bank’s first location in East Peoria.  He was appointed President of the Bank five years later, and he’s been instrumental in our growth to 37 locations and over $3.4 Billion in assets today.”

“Over those years Jim loaned millions of dollars to facilitate the growth of businesses and communities throughout the Peoria area and Central Illinois,” Honegger continued.  Recently Jim’s vision, persistence and collaboration with civic leaders was significant in converting acres of abandoned concrete in East Peoria into the Levee District, now a thriving business, dining and shopping area including the Bank’s own Clock Tower Place building.

Jim understood that the key to the Bank’s success is local people making local decisions on behalf of customers.  He mentored many of the Hometown Community Banks’ 50 commercial lenders who get to know the specific circumstances of their customers and partner with them to achieve their goals.

The Board of Hometown Community Bancorp, holding company of Morton Community Bank, has implemented succession plans by electing Andrew Honegger as Interim President of MCB.  


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