Residents Invited to Rate Quality of Life

Local area health departments in Peoria, Tazewell, and Woodford Counties invite residents to rate their quality of life issues in a new online survey, available through April 30. The survey is an effort to include community members in the year-long process of identifying strategic public health initiatives. Individuals will rate factors that influence a healthy community such as safe neighborhoods, affordable housing, the environment, and healthy living. The survey is available online at

Melissa Adamson, Director of Community Health Policy and Planning at Peoria City/County Health Department, explains the public health approach. "The survey is one of four parts to a strategic planning initiative based on MAPP, or Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships, a tool developed by the National Association of County and City Health Officials and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It will help us identify strategic community strengths and the issues that the public thinks we should address in the next four years." 

“The survey attempts to gauge the community’s awareness and concern about diseases including cancer, diabetes, and high blood pressure, and about behaviors like drug and tobacco use, underage drinking, and domestic violence,” states Amy Fox, Administrator for Tazewell County Health Department. "We will be reviewing results for the region and then drilling down for results in each County.  We want a better understanding of exactly what our residents view as a healthy community.”

Hillary Aggertt, Administrator for Woodford County Health Department adds, “The goal of the strategic planning process is to create a much stronger infrastructure for communities to work collaboratively on difficult public health challenges. The survey will help guide us in identifying those challenges, working together, and improving population health in our region.”

The survey is available online:

For more information on public health issues, visit your local county health department website:

Peoria City/County Health Department,

Tazewell County Health department,

Woodford County Health Department,


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