Miche Independent Rep Manda Brown Celebrates Membership

Miche Independent Representative Manda Brown recently celebrated her membership in the Pekin Area Chamber of Commerce with a ribbon cutting.  The event took place at the Pekin Public Library where Manda was joined by family and friends.  MICHE began in 2007 with a clear vision—to give a woman the opportunity to enjoy the latest fashion styles beautifully and affordably anytime she wants, in 3 seconds or less, with just one handbag. Their innovative magnetic handbags with interchangeable exterior shells created a strong foundation for the company as they continue expanding their fashion brand. Today, MICHE is a social selling company offering a wide variety of high-quality fashion specialty bags, wallets and even jewelry—and it’s only the beginning! MICHE is fashion at the speed of life, with options for style as unique as you are. Manda can be reached at (309) 620-4149 or browny00.miche.com.  You can see a couple more pictures of the ribbon cutting at:  http://picasaweb.google.com/PekinChamber


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