Leadership Academy Visited Springfield

Participants in the R. David Tebben Community Leadership Academy finally had the opportunity to attend the field trip to Springfield.  The original trip in February was postponed due to the weather.  The participants met State Senator Dave Koehler on the Senate Floor and he updated them on the big issues the General Assembly will tackle over the next two months.  The participants also met with State Representative Mike Unes on the floor of the House Chambers.  He was also able to join the group for lunch and continue his discussion with the class.  He shared several of his experiences as a legislator.  Perhaps most impressive (or intimidating?) was the fact that Rep. Unes' desk on the House Floor is directly beneath a large, priceless painting of Abraham Lincoln.  The Leadership Academy ended the day with a visit to the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum. You can see more pictures from this event at http://picasaweb.google.com/PekinChamber 


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