Preston-Hanley Offers Grief Support at Miller Center

On April 3, 2014, Preston-Hanley Funeral Homes & Crematory will begin hosting a grief support group at Miller Senior Citizens Center (551 S. 14th St.) as part of its aftercare program. The new group, “Learning to Live Again,” will be held the first and third Thursdays every other month from 1 to 3 p.m. and addresses four topics to help participants process grief in a healthy manner, while experiencing their emotions.

“The grief support group will be led by our Aftercare Coordinator, John Plunkett,” D. Neale Hanley, Sr., owner and funeral director, said. “As a retired pastor, John has more than 46 years of experience helping families through their times of grieving.”

About “Learning to Live Again”
Utilizing counseling and education therapy to help people through their grief, Plunkett will address four topics in the support group every other month. The first two topics will be addressed on the first Thursday, while the second two topics are covered on the third Thursday. For example, April 3 will cover “The Nature of Grief” and “It’s Your Choice,” and April 17 will address “STUG Exterminators” and “Memories.”

1) The Nature of Grief – An introductory time for the coordinator to get acquainted with participants and explore the characteristics and duration of grief.
2) It’s Your Choice – Grieving becomes a choice. The group will address the fact that people have the ability to make the choice to heal from their grieving.
3) STUG Exterminators – The coordinator will introduce STUGS (Sudden Temporary Upsurges of Grief) and their exterminators. The focus will be on limiting or eliminating these often debilitating upsurges.
4) Memories – Healing through grief is not meant to dissuade people from memories of their loved one, but to help them find ways that are not depressing to keeping their memory alive.

For more information and dates, check or call 309-346-2176.


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