AAIM Customer Service Training in Pekin December 3rd

Building a relationship is the most important objective of customer service. The relationship you have with your customer is something that your competition can't take away from you. This results-oriented workshop focuses on exceeding customer expectations for both your internal and external clients.

At the end of this class you will be able to:
•define customer service
•identify customer expectations
•maintain a positive attitude
•be a team player
•identify a culture of service
•communicate effectively
•use email effectively
•use proper phone etiquette
•exceed customer expectations

Topics that will be covered:
•customer service challenges and how to overcome them
•building and maintaining a positive attitude
•the importance of being a team player
•what creates a service culture
•the importance of making a good first impression
•understanding the communication process
•identifying barriers to communication
•listening effectively and asking appropriate questions
•email etiquette
•phone etiquette


Debbie Johnson has been in the Training and Development industry for 29 years. Debbie has a B.S. in Secondary Education, and a Master's Degree in Adult Education, both from the University of Missouri-St. Louis. Prior to coming to AAIM, Debbie was with ExecuTrain for 18 years. She held a variety of postiions including professional development trainer, Director of Training, and General Manager. Prior to ExecuTrain she taught at Patricia Stevens College and Nickey College. Debbie is a member of ASTD and enjoys volunterring at the St. Louis Crisis Nursery.

Member Cost: $195 NonMember Cost: $273
Register 3 individuals and get 1 free.
Fee includes all handout materials and a copy of the book "180 Ways to Walk the Leadership Talk."
*All Pekin Area Chamber of Commerce Members will be able to register at the "Member" price.

Pekin Public Library, 301 S. 4th Street, Pekin IL 61554
December, 3rd 1:30pm - 5:00pm

For more information or to register visit www.aaimea.org


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