Freedom Fund Banquet

The 48th Annual Peoria Branch Freedom Fund Banquet will be held on Saturday, November 14th at the Par-A-Dice Hotel and Conference Center in East Peoria. The them of the banquet is "Bold Dreams, Big Victories." The social time begins at 6:30pm and dinner is at 7:00pm. On the 100th Anniversary of the NAACP, the speaker will be Bishop Phillip R. Cousin, Senior Bishop, African Methodist Episcopal Church. Senator Everett Dirksen will be honored for his pivotal role in the passage of the civil rights legislation int he 1960s. Memorabilia from the Dirksen Congressional Center will be on display. Sponsorships, program advertising, and dinner tickets are available by contacting Ernestine Jackson, 434-2468 or Jackie Petty, 688-2323.


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