Coach, Confront, & Discipline Employees in 2022



Coach, Confront, & Discipline Employees in 2022




Thursday, April 28, 2022

8:30 am - 12:30 pm


NIU Center

1120 E. Diehl Road

Room 167

Naperville, IL 60563


Management must proactively manage. During this presentation, Jeff Risch will discuss how to properly and effectively address employee performance and/or behavioral issues while also preparing legally sound documentation. 


Topics will include:


·    Handling discipline and corrective discussions

·    Investigating misconduct

·    Documentation 101

·    When you have to terminate - Lawful vs. Unlawful reasons (key case law developments)

·    The key mechanics of terminations, most common pitfalls and checklists

·    And More!




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