Women in Leadership Conference to Feature Best-selling Author Jane Hight McMurry

Women in Leadership of Central Illinois (WIL) will present “Leading in the Lipstick Jungle” on
Thursday, June 11 from 11:00 am - 5:30 pm at the Par-A-Dice Hotel in East Peoria. This conference will focus on the skills women need to enhance and leverage their relationships to achieve greater success in both their personal and professional lives.

The event will begin with WIL's annual awards luncheon and feature a keynote address by Jane Hight
McMurry, best-selling author and professional speaker. McMurry will answer the question, “What else do women with competitive education and technical skills, guaranteed equal rights under the law, need to do to get what they want in the corporate jungle?” McMurry fills the gap in knowledge to help close the gap in pay.

This informative and entertaining presentation will offer the 21st century woman a guide to learn how to get what she wants, needs, and deserves within the current competitive business environment. Other educational sessions will explore different styles of communication, working with diverse personality types, influencing and motivating others, and effective teamwork.

The event will also feature exhibitors and a silent auction to benefit the WIL Scholarship Fund. The cost to attend the full conference is $75 ($65 for WIL members). Cost to attend only the awards luncheon and keynote address is $40 ($35 for WIL members). For more information or to register online, go to www.peoriawomeninleadership.com.

WIL is an organization with over 100 members in Central Illinois. WIL's mission is to promote leadership among professional women by providing networking, mentoring, and educational opportunities.

Click here for registration form!


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