Welcome: Velde Lincoln Volvo of Peoria

Welcome to our newest member of the Pekin Area Chamber of Commerce:

Velde Lincoln Volvo of Peoria
2200 W. Pioneer Parkway
Peoria, IL  61615
(309) 692-9880; fax 692-3738
Steve Brown, Sales Consultant, 613-0581

Offering new Lincoln's and Volvo's, with a large variety of all makes and models of per-owned vehicles.  Velde Lincoln Volvo of Peoria has a full service department for all makes and models and they are open 6 days a week, with pick up and drop off services for their Pekin customers!

Dale & Tammy Hicks, owners; DJ Hicks, service manager; Steve Brown, sales consultant; Dave Bell, Sales Manager; Lisa Ziebenhorn, comptroller.


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